My New Favorite Sparkling Drink to Beat the Summer Heat!
This Spaghetti with Tuna in Olive Oil and Fresh Tomato is perfect for the hotter season, as we are already seeing days hitting the high 20’s - low 30’s. This pasta, though served hot, is topped with fresh sweet cherry tomatoes and purple mizuna (a peppery Japanese vegetable), and a drizzle of my homemade “Rosso” chili oil. To accompany this umami-packed dish, I poured myself a refreshing glass of San Pellegrino’s Essenza - a Pink Grapefruit and Citrus flavored sparkling water. The delicate hints of citrus fruits remind me of the days I spent traveling through Sorrento, where gigantic lemons dangle from trees throughout the countryside. With no-added sugar or calories, it’s the perfect drink to enjoy with grilled white meats or any umami-rich meal.