On the topic of tea.../お茶についての話・・・ | サルヴァトーレ・クオモオフィシャルブログPowered by Ameba

On the topic of tea.../お茶についての話・・・

Still on the topic of tea, I was rummaging through a few older pictures and fell upon these images that I had taken a few months ago in Hangzhou (city about 250 kms from Shanghai). Hangzhou is the city famous for its West Lake and its proximity to Long Jing, the area where my favorite green tea is grown.

Some of the images below are from the museum in Longjing, which quite frankly was disappointing... I wouldn't bother making the trip out there and definitely wouldn't recommend it. However, it is worth the trip to visit the tea plantations within its vicinity.



Different forms of pressed Pu-er tea


An antique tea pot from the museum


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Beautiful Long Jing tea plantations.



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The Lei Feng Pagoda (Lei Feng Ta) in Hangzhou is most renowned for being recited in the legend of a love story between a beautiful woman and a humble scholar. Unaware that his lover is actually a white snake who has taken on the form of a human, he is heartbroken when a monk, in order to save the man's soul, separates the lovers by enclosing the white snake woman in the Lei Feng Pagoda. Its definitely worth a visit and is even open until 9:00 p.m. (rare for touristic sites). It boasts breathtaking views over the city and the lake.


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Snacks served at my favorite tea house in Hangzhou that sits on the border of the lake.


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An aroma cup (sniffer cup) placed inside the tasting cup. One lifts the aroma cup to allow the tea to pour out into the tasting cup. Rubbing the aroma cup between the two hands, you sniff the scent of the tea as you would do with wine.


One of my favorite Chinese tea snacks are the hickory smoked pecans.


For anyone visiting Hangzhou, the Hyatt Regency is perfectly located along the banks of the West Lake with stunning views over a water & light show organized several times throughout the evening. I must also mention once again (as I have in my previous blogs) that the hotel also houses my favorite Chinese restaurant in China - 28 Hubin Road!


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