フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム この写真は女性を逮捕しレイプするとムネをさわる。

フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム この写真は今のイラン人が真剣に願う事です。
イランの最高指導者 アリー・ハーメネイー
イランの大統領 マフムード・アフマディーネジャード
バチカン市国(ロイター) -女性は、バチカン市国が不安定と説明バリケードを築く上で急騰して、
ローマ法王ベネディクト16世は肺があるとする彼をノックアウトあるSt Peter 'sでの彼のクリスマスイブの質量の開始時には床大聖堂。








は、2005年に始まったもったいぶって話す。 2007年にドイツ人男性を飛び越えた
法王のジープにあるSt Peter 's Squareにバリケードの間を通過された












VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A woman the Vatican described as unstable jumped over a barricade, lunged at Pope Benedict and knocked him to the floor at the start of his Christmas Eve mass in St Peter's Basilica.

The 82-year-old pope was apparently not harmed and went on to finish the two-hour service late on Thursday, but an elderly French cardinal in the papal procession fell to the floor and was taken to hospital with a broken leg.

Television pictures showed the woman, dressed in a red top, jumping over the barricade and hurling herself at the pope, provoking screams from members of the congregation.

The woman grabbed the pontiff's vestments as she was taken down by a security guard, and both she and the pope then fell to the marble floor.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the woman, who he described as "unstable," was the same person who tried to jump a barricade to get close to the pope at last year's Christmas Mass.

The Pope, dressed in gold and white vestments, was helped up by security men and after a few seconds continued the procession up the center aisle to celebrate the Mass. He seemed calm and unfazed during the rest of the ceremony.

But French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, 87, who has been in frail health recently, fell to the floor and was taken away in a wheelchair. He suffered a broken femur, Lombardi said.

The woman was detained for questioning by Vatican security police and was not immediately identified.


There have been relatively few security breaches in Benedict's pontificate, which began in 2005. In 2007 a German man jumped over a barricade in St Peter's Square as the pope's jeep was passing during a general audience and tried to board the vehicle.

The most serious attack on a pope in the Vatican came in 1981 when Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca, shot and nearly killed Pope John Paul II in St Peter's Square.

Thursday's incident, which left Vatican security guards visibly shaken and bishops stunned, happened at the start of a Mass at which Benedict led the world's some 1.1 billion Roman Catholics into Christmas for the fifth time since his 2005 election.

It again raised the question of how vulnerable the pope can be if he wants to maintain contact with the public.

While visitors to St Peter's Basilica must pass through metal detectors and spot checks, security once they get inside is relatively light. Vatican security is shared by a police force and Swiss Guards.

For the first time in recent memory, the Christmas Eve mass started two hours before midnight in order to give the pope more time to rest before Friday's main Christmas event at noon.

In his homily to more than 10,000 people inside Christendom's largest church, the pope urged the faithful to rediscover the simplicity of the nativity message.

He recounted the traditional Christmas story of Christ's birth in a manger in Bethlehem and urged Catholics to put aside the complexities and burdens of daily life and rediscover the path to God.

"We live our lives by philosophies, amid worldly affairs and life and rediscover the path to God.

"We live our lives by philosophies, amid worldly affairs and occupations that totally absorb us and are a great distance from the manger," he said.

"In all kinds of ways, God has to prod us and reach out to us again and again, so that we can manage to escape from the muddle of our thoughts and activities and discover the way that leads to him," he said.

Benedict on Friday delivers his twice-yearly "Urbi et Orbi" message to the city and the world from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica to crowds in the square below.



フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム

ホセインアリモンタゼリ氏、イランのホメイニ氏とハメネイー氏二人がモンタゼリ氏の弟子、 昨夜亡くなりました。 モンタゼリ氏の息子サイードモンタゼリ氏の話では,本人がテヘランからゴムに戻り次第,父に会った時には,父は無事でしたが医者が後に父と二人っきりでした。父が寝て朝起きれなかったとの時点で亡くなったと確認してる、とテレビインタビューで答えました。 ホセインアリモンタゼリ氏は1922年のナジャフにて生まれ,長年間イランイスラム共和国に対して、平和がないと訴え、今年12月19日曜日の午前8時、87歳のとして亡くなりました。 以下では英語でモンタゼリ氏の生活ヒストリーを説明します。 なお質問がありましたらメール下さい。 ホセインアリモンタゼリ、1で日曜日の午前8時、29アーザル1388年に死亡した。ナセルモンタゼリモンタゼリ、1 AP通信は、彼の夢が死亡したとの子孫。1自然死Mrdhast自分の子供たちによると。セイエッドハメネイ師は、指導者はモンタゼリ、彼は発行された死亡弔慰メッセージの機会が死亡。 イランの最高指導者ハメネイ師は、モンタゼリ氏のセレモニーを中断すると脅迫したとニュースも入ってます。
フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム

Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri (Persian : حسینعلی منتظری), styled His Honourable Eminence (1922 – 19 December 2009), was a prominent Iranian Islamic theologian , Islamic democracy activist, writer and human rights activist. He was one of the leaders of the Iranian Revolution in 1979. He was best known as the one-time designated successor to the revolution's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini , with whom he had a falling out in 1989 over government policies that Montazeri claimed infringed on freedom and denied people's rights. Montazeri lived later years of his life in the holy city of Qom , and remained politically influential in Iran , especially upon reformist politics.

He was a senior Islamic scholar and a Grand Marja (religious authority) of Shi'ite Islam .

For almost three decades, Hossein Ali Montazeri had been one of the main critics of the Islamic Republic's domestic and foreign policy. He had also been an active advocate of civil rights and women's rights in Iran . Montazeri was a prolific writer and authored a number of books and articles.

Immediately after his death, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released a statement to express his condolences for the "knowledgeable Islamic jurisprudent".


どれだけの皆様が1979年のイラン,アメリカ大使館人質事件 の事分かって、調べたか分かりませんが、
フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム

Fayegh Fallahi人1980-1988、イランにイラクの化学兵器による攻撃で負傷したイラク戦争、酸素ボンベと呼吸として、彼と彼の妻をもたらす彼の薬へヌーデシャーの自宅でケルマンシャー州の隣にあります。写真


フランス公共ラジオによると、イランの最高指導者ハメネィ師が死亡したとのニュースを受けた時間はカナダ時間の午後4:30PMイラン時間の2:30AMイランから電話での知らせ、その後にテヘランに連絡,さらに確認をとるためVOA(Voice OfAmerica)に電話を入れ再確認したら確かに三日前から具合が悪くなり入院していたとの確認をしましたが死亡は確認していません。


たしかにイランの最高指導者は現在コーマーに入ってますが、%80死を確認です。先月のでもでは「ハメネイ師批判 公然」 「イラン騒乱、変質も」 ・・・ 新聞が、 「抗議デモ」 や 「混乱」 という表現を越えて、 「騒乱」 なる見出しを つけはじめた。 『ハメネイに死を!』。 テヘラン市内で 『ハメネイに死を』 というかけ声は、たくさんにあり、
デモの最中だけではなく、 夜の住宅地でも聞かれた」。  「市内各地で 『神は偉大なり』 の言葉につなげて、 (『ハメネイに死を』が) 響き渡った。心からやく30万人のイラン人達がイランですべての出来事を起こしてる最高指導者の死を心から祈っているのは確かです。また新しい二ユースが入り時点でお知らせします。
フリージャーナリスト サム

Another list of killed people:
  1. Ramin Ghahremani on 26th Tir (July 17th) after the Friday’s prayers died after he got hit on a head with a baton. His family is under lots of pressure to remain silence.
  2. 25 year old Fahime Salahshoor, high school graduate – Died on Sunday khordad 24th (June 14th) after getting hit on her head with baton on Valieasr Square. She died after being transferred to the hospital due to an internal bleeding and severe injuries.
  3. A 17 year old, Maisam Ebadi died of a gun fire on Khordad 23rd (July 13th). Maisam Ebadi’s family reported their son’s death on July 13th at Falakeie Sadeghie. Maisam Ebadi, the son of Asgar was shot at Falakaie Sadeghie at the stomach while he was returning back from work. He died due to severe bleeding on the street. The body of this young boy after getting through the legal process was buried at Beheshte Zahra.
  • The list of names of some detainees that has been released for public information through human rights organizations:
  1. Kaveh Sheikhi, 23 yrs, AS(Associate of Science) in Civil Engineering, detained on Thursday July 8th, in Amirabad, transfered to Kahrizak, section 240 of Evin; etained for a second time on Friday July 16th, while attacking their house, detained him again.
  2. Sajad Abdi, 21 years old, student of Computer Science (CS), detained on Friday July 16th in Valiasr and transferred to the police station section 148 and then onto Evin prison.
  3. Hamid Tak, 26 years old, student of graduate school of Civil Engineering, detained on Thursday July 8th in Sina St., his whereabouts unknown.
  4. Nazi Kalantari, 27 yrs old, BA in Law, detained on Thursday July 8th, transferred to Evin.
  5. Ebrahim Ghanbari, 54 years old, retired, detained on Thursday July 8th, transferred to Evin.
  6. Soheil Ghahremani, 24 yrs old, detained on Friday July 16th, transferred while contacting his family to Kahrizak but his whereabouts are unknown at the present time.
  7. Reza Goudarzi, 28 yrs old, detained on Tuesday July 20th in 7Tir, transferred to the intelligence section 148 of revolution.
  8. Seyed Mehdi Mir Karimi, 30 yrs old, employee of Municipality, detained on Saturday June 23rd in Azadi and transferred to Evin.
  9. Shahab Nazari, 19 yrs old, AS degree, detained on Saturday June 23rd in front of university of Sharif Sanati by the Security Guard Forces, wounded by their clubs and then transferred to Evin. His family still are not aware of his whereabouts and condition of health.
  10. Rahim Hashempour, 28 years old, BS in Software Engineering, detained on Tuesay July 20th in Karim Khan St. without a reason, transferred to Police station section 148.
  11. Masoud Mardani, 27 yrs old, diploma in architecture, detained on Friday July 17th in Valiasr St., transferred to Evin.
  12. Hadi yazdani, 21 yrs old, Student of Mechanical Eng., dtained on Friday July 17th in Enghelab Sq., his whereabouts are unknown
  13. Amir Javadi, 27 yrs old, AS in Civil Eng., detained on Sunday June 13th in Fatemi St., transferred to Evin
  14. Pouyan Mohamadi, 20 yrs old, diploma, detained on Thursday July 8th in Karegar St., transferred to Evin.
  15. Zahra Bagheri, 24 yrs old, detained on July 8th in Enghelab Sq., transferred to Evin.
  16. Payam Hosseini, 27 yrs old, Diploma and business owner, detained on Wednesday June 25th in Ferdoci St. and transferred to Kahrizak then to Evin.
  17. Ali Nozari, 31 yrs old, BA in Accounting and employed, detained on Satuday June 22nd in Azadi Sq., transferred to Evin
  18. Ahmad Ali Saraji, 18 yrs old, detained Friday July 15th in Enghelab Sq., transferred to Evin
  19. Amin Saber, 22 yrs old, BA in Agriculture, detained on Thursday July 8th in Amirabad St., his whereabouts are unknown
  20. Amir Hassani, 25 yrs old, AS in Civil Eng., detained on thursday july 8th in Enghelab Sq. and transferred to police station section 148 then to Evin.
  21. Bijan Jalili, 22 yrs old, detained on July 20th in 7Tir and his whereabouts are unknown
  22. Mohsen Janahngir, 29 yrs old, detained on Thursday July 8th and transferred to Evin
  23. Babak Dastjerdi, 28 yrs old, business owner, detained on saturday June 21st, while he was chanting "Allah O Akbar" on the roof, the Civil Forces attacked his house and booked him.
  24. Amir Hojati, a senior student of architecture at Beheshti university was arrested on Saturday Khordad 23rd (June 13th) in front of the Kooye Tehran University and still is kept in jail.
  • >>Killed by Government Forces イランイスラムで暗殺された名望
  1. Abolfazl Abdollahi (21 years Diploma in EE June 30 2009)
  2. Neda Aghasoltan (Student Tehran 20 June 2009)
  3. Vahed Akbari (34 years married with a 3-year-old girl Tehran June 30 2009)
  4. Kaveh Alipour(Tehran15 June 2009)
  5. Naser Amirnejad (Aerospace PhD student Tehran U.14 June 2009)
  6. Sohrab Arabi(Tehran June 2009)
  7. Mohammad Asgari (IT department Interior Ministry TehranJune 2009)
  8. Kianoosh Assa (chemistry student at Elm va Sanaat University Tehran June 2009)
  9. Fatemeh Barati (Tehran June 20)
  10. Yagoub Barvayeh( masters degree student in Theater at Tehran University June 2009)
  11. Sarvar Boroumand (Tehran June 25 2009)
  12. Mobina Ehterami (Tehran June 20)
  13. Mostafa Ghanian (Graduate student Tehran U.14 June 2009)
  14. Mohsen Hadadi (24-year-old computer programmer Tehran June 30 2009)
  15. Iman Hashemi (Tehran June 30 2009)
  16. Fatemeh Rajabpour (38 years old Tehran15 June 2009
  17. Farzad Hashti( Tehran June 2009)
  18. Mohammad Hossein Barzegar (Tehran June 27 2009)
  19. Mohsen Imani ( Tehran June 20)
  20. Seyed-Farzad Jashni (Abdanan from Ilam province lost in Tehran June 30 2009)
  21. Bahman Jenabi (Shop worker Tehran20 June 2009)
  22. Mehdi Karami( killed in Jonat Abad Street Tehran15 June 2009)
  23. Shalar Khazri (Tehran June 2009)
  24. Masoud Khosravi (Tehran June 25 2009)
  25. Parisa Koli (25-year-old general Graduated literature Tehran June 31 2009)
  26. Hamid Maddah Shorcheh (Mashhad June 2009)
  27. Iman Namazi (student at Tehran University June 25 2009)
  28. Nader Nasseri (Tehran June 30 2009)
  29. Mohammad Nikzadi ( 22 year old graduate in Civil Tehran June 26 2009)

  30. Mehrdad Heydari(Journalist Mashhad 12 July)
  31. Davood Sadri (Karaj June 2009)
  32. Fahimeh Salahshoor ( 25 years Tehran June 24 2009)
  33. Ali Shahedi ( 24 years Tehranpars after arrest June 31 2009)
  34. Kasra Sharafi (Tehran June 20)
  35. Kambiz Shojaii (Tehran June 20)
  36. Ashkan Sohrabi Student (Tehran20 June 2009)
  37. Seyed-Reza Tabatabaii ( 30-year accounting degree Tehran June 30 2009)
  38. Vahid-Reza Tabatabaii (29 years BA in English Tehran July 3 2009)
  39. Salar Tahmasbi (27 years student of Business Administration Rasht June 30 2009)
  40. Hossein Tahmassebi (25 was beaten to death in Kermanshah 20 June 2009)
  41. Mohammad Kamrani (student Tehran 16 July)
  42. Arman Estakhripour (18 years old student Shiraz 14 July)
  43. Alireza Eftekhari (Student, Journalist Abrar-e eqtesadi newspaper 30 June)
  44. Saeed Abbasi (24 years old ,Tehran 20 June)
  45. Ahmad Naeem Abadi (Tehran ,15 June)
  46. Salar Ghorbani Param (22 years old ,Tehran,unknown date)
  47. Hossein Toufanpour (Tehran 20 June)
  48. Tina Soudi (Student ,Tehran,20 June)
  49. Hossein Akhtar Nejad (Isfahan ,unknown date)
  50. Maryam Mehr Azin (24 years old Tehran)
  51. Hossein Akhtar Nejad (Isfahan ,unknown date)
  52. Maryam Mehr Azin (24 years old Tehran)
  53. Milad Yazdan Panah (30 years old Tehran)
  54. Hamed Besharati(26 years old Tehran)
  55. Babak Sepehr(35 years old Tehran)
  56. Neda Asadi
  57. Amir Kaviri (Tehran)
  58. Moharram Chegini Qeshlaqi (34 years old Tehran)
  59. Mohammad Hossein Feizi (26 years old Tehran)
  60. Ramin Ramezani(22 years ols Tehran)
  61. Saeed Esmaeeli Khanbebin (23 years old Tehran)
  62. Ali Fathalian(Tehran)
  63. Taraneh Mousavi (arrested 28 June ,died on unknown date)
  64. Mr. Mo’azez (27 years old Tehran)
  65. Masoud Hashemzadeh(27 years old,Tehran,20june)
  66. Meysam Ebadi( 17 years old,Tehran ,14June)
  67. Mohammad Hossien Barzegar ( Tehran ,17 June)
  68. Hamid Hossien Beyg Araqi( Tehran ,20 June)
  69. Behzad Ghahramani ( Tehran , before 22 July)
  70. Mohsen Ruholamini ( Tehran 22 July)
  71. Ramin Ghahramani ( Tehran , 17 July)
  • >>Arrested University Students逮捕された大学の学生達
  1. Ali Abbasi (student at Mazandaran University)
  2. Sohrab Ahadian ( student at Tehran University arrested June 17 when the Tehran University Dormitories were violently attacked)
  3. Ali Ahmadi (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  4. Sogan Alikhah ( student at Mazandaran University arrested June 22)
  5. Vahid Amirian ( student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  6. Reza Arkouzi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  7. Mohammad Bagher Shabanpour ( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  8. Rouholah Bagheri ( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  9. Hojat Bakhtiari (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  10. Mohsen Barzegar (student at Babol Engineering Univeristy arrested June 18)
  11. Farhad Binazadeh (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  12. Milad Chegini (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  13. Adrin Jalali (25 years old MA student Tehran arrested 14 June)
  14. Mohammad Davoudian (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  15. Mahmoud Delbari (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  16. Ali Dinavari (student at Mazandaran University)
  17. Mosaab Ebrahimi (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  18. Karim Emami (student was arrested during the attack on the Tehran University Dormitories mid night on June 14)
  19. Naseh Faridi (student at Teacher Training Universtiy arrested June 17)
  20. Marjan Fayazi (student at Mazandaran University arrested June 22)
  21. Esmaieel Ghorbani (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  22. Siavash Hatam (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  23. Farshid Heydari Zamin (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  24. Mohammadreza Hohabadi ( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  25. Mohammad Hossein Emami (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  26. Milad Hosseini Koshtan (student at Mazandaran University)
  27. Bahareh Hosseini (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  28. Elaheh Imanian (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  29. Reza Jafarian (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  30. Esmaiel Jalilvand ( a student activist in Shiraz University arrested 21 June)
  31. Seyed Javad hosseini (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  32. Fazolah Joukar ( student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  33. Mohammad Karimi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  34. Mohammad Khansari (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  35. Behnam Khodabandeh lou (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  36. Nastaran Khodarahimi (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  37. Alireza Khoshbakht (an expelled graduate student arrested June 17)
  38. Alireza Kiani ( student at Mazandaran university)
  39. Mostafa Mehdizadeh (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  40. Shouaneh Merikhi (student at Mazandaran University)
  41. Erfan Mohammadi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  42. Mehdi Mosafer (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  43. Ziaoldin Nabavi (secretary of the Education Rights Council arrested 16 June)
  44. Hamdollah Namjou ( a student activist in Shiraz University arrested 21 June)
  45. Ali Nazari (student at Mazandaran University)
  46. Amin Nazari ( student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  47. Hesam oldin Bagheri (student at Babol Engineering Univeristy arrested June 18)
  48. Ghamdideh Olum( student was arrested during the attack to the TehranUuniversity Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  49. Saeed Parvizi (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  50. Iman Pourtahmasb( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  51. Ebrahim Raidian( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  52. Ali Raiee (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  53. Ali Refahi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  54. Omid Rezaiee (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  55. Seifolah Rmezani (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  56. Farhan Sadeghpour( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  57. Siavoush Safavi (student at Mazandaran University)
  58. Saman Sahebjalali (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  59. Hanif Salimi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  60. Siavash Saliminejad( student at Babol Engineering Univeristy arrested June 20)
  61. Iman Sedighi (student at Babol Engineering Univeristy arrested June 18)
  62. Majid Selahvand( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  63. Pouria Sharifian (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  64. Iman Shaydaieezaban( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  65. Hamed Shaykh alishahi (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  66. Farhad Shirahmad( student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  67. Nahid Siahvand (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  68. Omid Sohravi ( student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  69. Imani ( student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  70. Farshad Taheri (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  71. Zahra Tohidi (an expelled graduate student arrested June 17)
  72. Somayeh tohidlou (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  73. Ezat Torbati (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories midnight on June 14)
  74. Mehdi Torkaman (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  75. Rahman Yaghoubi ( student at Mazandaran university)
  76. Maziar Yazdani ( student at Mazandaran university)
  77. Ashkan Zahabian (student at Mazandaran University)
  78. Hadis Zamani (student at Bualisina University in Hamedan)
  79. Naser Zamani (student was arrested during the attack to the Tehran University Dormitories at midnight on June 14)
  80. Nima Nahvi ( Babol Uni student arrested 1 July)
  81. Ashkan Aghazadeh (26 years old ,student, Tehran arrested on 9 July)
  82. Mohammad Ali Salehi (22 years old ,Student , Tehran ,arrested 17 June)
  83. Jafar Agha Mohammadi(civil activist, Moghan city arrested 21 July)
  84. Hossein Estiri(atudent activist , Tehran , arrested since last month)
  85. Saeed Shojaizadeh (Abadan, University of Petroleum ,arrested on 22 July)
  86. Khosro Mousavivand (Abadan, University of Petroleum ,arrested on 22 July)
  87. Kaveh Sheikhi (23 years old ,Associated diploma of Science in Civil Engineering,arrested on 16 July for 2nd time)
  88. Sajad Abdi (21 years old ,Tehran,arrested on 16 July)
  89. Hamid Tak (26 years ,tehran ,arrested on 8 July)
  90. Nazi Kalantari (27 years ,Tehran ,arrested on 8 July)
  91. Shahab Nazari (19 years old,Tehran,arrested on 23 June )
  92. Hadi yazdani (21 years,Tehran, arrested on 17 July)
  93. Amir Hojati (senior student of architecture at Beheshti university,Tehran, arrested on 13 June)
  • >>University Professors
  1. Alborzi (university Professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin)
  2. Ardeshir Amirarjomand( chair of UNESCO-s Democracy and Human Rights Program at Shahid Beheshti University)
  3. Darvish( university Professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin)
  4. Fazli (university Professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin)
  5. Imani( university Professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin)
  6. Izadi (Professor of Bualisina University in hamedan arrested June 16 2009)
  7. Majzoubi(University Professor at Bualisina University in Hamedan arrested June 13 2009)
  8. Hossein Reisian( university Professor at International Emamkhomaini University in Ghazvin arrested June 21 2009)

フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム

Interview with The Media Line, 28 June

The Media Line
Benjamin Joffe-Walt
Sunday, June 28th, 2009
"I'm not running for office right now," he continued. "My job is to help my compatriots achieve liberty and get rid of this system... if at that time my fellow compatriots want me to play a prominent role in the political scene, they will have to decide that then."

The heir to the throne of the deposed Shah of Iran says he is willing to die for his country and is ready to return and "play a prominent role" in Iranian affairs.

"My moment for the return to my country will come, I assure you," Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, told The Media Line in an exclusive interview from his home in Washington, DC. "I want to be in my homeland. I have been forced into a scenario of exile," he said. "I believe that any Iranian like myself should have the right to live in his own country and contribute the best that one can as an Iranian to the betterment of our country."

Pahlavi's father died in exile after being ousted during the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

To many, the likelihood that the Shah's son could become the next leader of Iran is slim, but in the turmoil following the recent elections, the possible resurrection of the Iranian monarchy is once again being discussed.

"I'm not running for office right now," he continued. "My job is to help my compatriots achieve liberty and get rid of this system... if at that time my fellow compatriots want me to play a prominent role in the political scene, they will have to decide that then."

Over the weekend it was revealed that Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards are hunting for the protesters captured in widely distributed photographs of the demonstrations, and Amnesty International accused the Basij, a volunteer paramilitary group, of going into hospitals to arrest activists injured in street protests. The news came days after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said leaders of the demonstrations may face execution.

Given the recent unrest, the 48-year-old former crown prince said the timing of his return to Iran was a question of tactics, not safety. "I've always said that I'm willing to die for my country," he said. "But the circumstances have to be ripe."

Pahlavi's father, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, was installed as Shah in a 1953 CIA-led coup, replacing the country's democratically elected government. U.S. President Barack Obama referred to the episode in his speech to the Muslim world earlier this month. "In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically-elected Iranian government," Obama said, the first U.S. president to admit the U.S. role in the coup, in a clear overture to Iran.

The Shah ruled for over 25 years and was ousted by Ayatollah Khomenei in the 1979 Islamic revolution, after a year of massive street demonstrations. The crown prince was a teenager taking flight training lessons in Texas at the time.

Many Iranians say they enjoyed more social freedoms under the Shah's rule, such as the freedom for men and women to associate publicly, but poverty, illiteracy, torture and violent suppression of civilian dissent were all widespread.

Supporters of Pahlavi, most of them Iranians in exile, advocate for a democratic parliamentary system with a monarch whose role is to unite Iranian ethnic groups.

"Iran can have a parliamentary democracy, a secular system where there is a clear separation between religion and government," Pahlavi told The Media Line. "This is the moment for Iran. What you see now is 30 years' worth of pent-up frustration that is literally exploding," he said. "Such a regime, no matter how repressive, cannot fight everybody all over the place at the same time, which is why it is important that this broad based resistance keeps going."

Pahlavi said the relative lull in protests over the past few days was not a sign that Iranians had accepted the status quo. "There is a degree of repression that may force a temporary retreat simply to preserve and protect people's lives," he said. "The substance of the demands is not going to die down."

The former crown prince said there were numerous signs that the regime was slowly imploding from within.

"I have spoken to a number of highly-placed, responsible commanders of the security forces and the Revolutionary Guards who, being totally disillusioned, have now said that it's no longer tenable for us to continue serving such a regime that is so blatantly killing our own compatriots," he said.

"Some of these people, they were my age at the time of the revolution," he continued. "They sacrificed their lives in defense of our homeland and for the sake of their citizens. Could they today turn their guns against the children of those they were protecting?"

"I don't believe so, and that's why I'm telling you I have absolute faith that we will succeed, but the question is, how soon and at what cost?" he added.

Pahlavi, whose father was a close U.S. ally, has been increasingly critical of the Obama administration's approach to Iran. "While I applaud the President's strong stance in support for human rights in Iran," he said, "there is also a dilemma in his policy of engagement... I believe it ought to be suspended until there is a stable government that is indeed supported by the Iranian people. If you continue to engage now, not only will it be a slap in the face of Iranians who are in a quest for democracy, but it will also not work."

The former crown prince says Western governments should consider a dual approach. "There has been a monopoly by the regime and its representatives on communication with the outside world," he said. "I've always suggested that there should be a dual track approach, in the spirit of those who want to engage the regime to also engage with the democratic opposition."

"Why do you think most of the slogans written on the streets of Iran are in English?" he asked. "Do they want to talk to each other in the foreign language? That should be a significant signal to the outside world that this is not just an internal debate - we want the outside to show solidarity with us... I always found it a little bit awkward that such a relationship was not created.

Paris Press Conference: Iran Realities and Perspectives

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009
Opening Remarks

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you for coming. Thank you for your time, and attention to the cry for freedom and democracy in Iran. The past three weeks, my brave compatriots have paid in blood the price of ripping the façade of acceptability of the regime in Iran, and its legitimacy to speak for the people of Iran abroad. The ensuing murderous oppression can silence the streets, and media blackout can reduce world attention. In the West you may see headlines declaring the end of the protests. Some will say a family quarrel inside the Islamic regime is over and Mr. Ahmadinejad will govern Iran for another four year term. But they misread the situation. Although more demonstrations may pop up, and the 10th anniversary of the student uprising on July 9th is a date to watch, phase one, that is election-related mass demonstrations is over. But let me clarify what phase two, which is the phase of national resistance, will look like:

Viewed as a usurper in his second term, Mr. Ahmadinejad's increasing insecurity at home will compel him to invent foreign enemies, further isolating Iran. Compounded with low oil prices, the need for slower liquidity growth to limit spiraling inflation, with massive capital flight and a drained stock market, and a further hemorrhage of skilled managers, just to name a few problems, he will face insurmountable obstacles in running the day to day affairs of government. He will need a minimal cooperation of the people for the ship of state to sail on. Instead he will find burgeoning resistance everywhere, until his government grinds to a halt.

Disappointed and alarmed, influential clerics, important parliamentary factions and other institutions will question his ability to cope and undermine his authority from within the Islamist state. That final paralysis will mark the end of the second phase.

It is hard to predict the third phase. Will a part of the Revolutionary Guards move in to fill the vacuum created by a collapse of authority and a functioning government? If so, the regime will be reduced to an unsustainably narrow base of support, expediting its fall. Will strikes spread and re-energized mass demonstrations sweep the country, compelling the authorities to yield to public pressure toward a new democratic order? No exact scenario can be written at this stage, but the end is clear.

Fast rewind to today, let's acknowledge that the path is perilous. The regime has just appointed a three-man commission to punish those involved in recent demonstrations. The commissioners are men responsible for tortures and summary executions of thousands of my countrymen some twenty years ago. After all of these years, the sounds of rape, torture and dying in Iran's prisons haunt my countrymen. And now those men are back.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today I am asking you to help put the spotlight of international attention on their dastardly deeds in the weeks ahead. This may be the only way of impeding the cruelty of this regime against those whose only crime was peaceful assembly and expression, including women campaigning against being treated as something halfway between man and animal in their courts. For I fear that out of the daylight of world media, the nightmare of two decades ago will return.

Your second contribution is keeping your political leaders informed about the range and brutality of the oppression in Iran. Your governments have insisted that they would not interfere in Iran's internal affairs. I applaud that. Any such attempt will give the tyrants the excuse they need to paper over their own differences and target anyone struggling for freedom as a foreign agent. But that is not all they do. They are painting every statement in defense of human rights as foreign interference. They benefit from the confusion between the two. It is vital that the free world not fall for such cruel cynicism in the name of realpolitik. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights knows no national boundaries. Its defense is not only a moral issue, but a mutual obligation of all governments who are its signatories.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A movement was born on the 22nd of Khordad in my calendar and 12th of June in yours. It is not Islamic or anti-Islamic, it is not for capitalism or socialism, nor any other ideology or specific form of government. It cares little about historical squabbles before its birth. It is about the sanctity, even more, the sovereignty of the ballot box. By certifying fraudulent election results, the Supreme leader and the Guardian Council have spent their authority against the movement. They stand in the people's way, leaving no bridge behind. The movement may not succeed immediately. It will have its ebbs and flows. It may not control the street for now. But it will not die.

The Spirit of the movement will permeate every home and workplace, public and private, grinding the government to a halt until there is no exit for tyrants, but yielding to the victory of human rights and democracy in Iran.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I stand before you today to ask for your solidarity with my fellow Iranians on their march towards liberty and justice.

フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム


メキシコ市(CNN) イランの首都テヘランで改革派の抗議デモ現場近くにいた女性が銃弾を浴びて死亡した事件をめぐり、イランの駐メキシコ大使は25日、「米中央情報局(CIA)などの組織が関与している可能性がある」との見方を示した。この女性、ネダ・アグハ・ソルタンさん(26)は20日午後、大統領選の不正疑惑をめぐる抗議デモの現場近くで、突然胸を撃たれて死亡した。その様子を写した映像がインターネットに公開され、世界的な反響を呼んでいる。これについてイランの駐メキシコ大使、モハマド・ハッサン・ガディリ氏はCNNのインタビューに応じ、「ネダの死は極めて不自然だ。ネダさんが背後から、何台ものカメラの前で、それほど大規模なデモが行われていたわけでもない場所で、どうやって撃たれたのか疑問がわく」と語った。その上で同大使は、CIAなどの組織が絡んでいるのではないかとの見方を示し、「もしCIAが誰かを殺し、それを政府関係者のせいにしたいと思えば、女性を選んだのは適切な判断だ。女性が死ねばより多くの同情を集められる」と話している。ガディリ大使によれば、映像ではネダさんは胸を撃たれたように見えるが、銃弾は頭部から見つかり、しかもイランでは使われていない種類の銃弾だったという。「これはテロリストやCIA、諜報機関のやり方だ。彼らはこうした抗議活動で血を流させ、イラン・イスラム共和国に対する敵対材料としてそれを使おうとする。これはCIAがさまざまな国で用いてきた常套手段だ」とガディリ大使は主張。ただし「やったのがCIAだとは言っていない。別の諜報機関かもしれないし、CIAかもしれないし、テロリストかもしれない」とも付け加えた。
フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム

(CNN) 70年代の米人気テレビドラマシリーズ「チャーリーズ・エンジェル」などで知られる女優ファラ・フォーセットさんが25日、米カリフォルニア州サンタモニカの病院で死去した。62歳だった。フォーセットさんは06年に肛門がんと診断され、今年4月初めから入院していた。




フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム
「キング・オブ・ポップ」 M・ジャクソンさんが急死


(CNN) 米ロサンゼルス郡検視局によると、「キング・オブ・ポップ」と称された世界的な人気歌手マイケル・ジャクソンさんが25日、ロサンゼルス市内の自宅で倒れ、死去した。50歳だった。前夜から体調不良を訴えていたとの情報もある。兄の歌手ジャーメイン・ジャクソンさんによると、マイケルさんは同市西部ベルエアの自宅で心停止状態となった。通報を受けて救急隊が駆けつけ、カリフォルニア州立大ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)医療センターに搬送。医師団が1時間以上にわたって心肺蘇生措置を試みたが、午後2時26分(日本時間26日午前6時26分)に死亡が確認された。26日に検視当局による遺体の解剖が行われ、同日午後には結果が出る見通しだ。






フリージャーナリスト 桜井 サム