第一弾は荏原七福神。 随分前から行きたいなって思っていたのです。 地図はネットからダウンロードしたけど、シンプルなもの。
As my health condistion has improved, I am now trying to go out for long walk once a week.
There are 7 gods for good fortune in 7 different temple and shrine in the city I live, and decided to visit all of them. The map was downloded from the internet.
本当は午前中に出発するつもりが、駅を出たのが12時半。 全部回ると2時間45分くらいだって事だったので、3時半までには家に戻れるだろう・・・と歩き始めました。
The walk started from Oimachi Station. I wanted to leave in the morning, but when I got the station it was 12:30.... Accroding to the map and information gotten from internet, whole trip would take 2 hour and 45 mins.
1箇所目は大井蔵王権現神社。 ここは福禄寿様。 立会通り沿いだったのですぐに見つかりました。 Could find the first shrine easily.
先行きが不安になりました。 不動院・東光寺は毘沙門天様。
I thought it would be easy to find all the places, but I was wrong. cound not find 2nd temple so easily... by the time I realized the map I brought was not precise and there were more streets which was not on the map. ... All I could rely on was the address... It took long time to find the 2nd temple...
立会道路よりかなり離れたこのお寺を探すのにどれだけ時間がかかったか・・・。 途中で完全に道に迷いました。 3月初旬にしては暑くて、喉も渇くし・・・・。 止めたくなっちゃったのですが頑張りました。 養玉院・如来寺 布袋様。
3rd place was even harder to find. I got lost and just did not know which direction I was walking toward..... I wanted to quit walking... I was so glad when I found the temple.
4th place was easy to find. It was such a nice day to walk. Even though it was Saturday, I did not see anyone visiting those places .
旗の台にはよく行くので、ここまできて終わりが見えてきてホッとしました。 なかなか立派なお寺でした。
5th place. It was in the city called Hatanodai. As I come Hatanodai every now and then, I felt releaved and I knew I could make it!
6箇所目、摩耶寺。 寿老人様です。
開いていなくて、お参りできませんでしたけど・・・。 また行くことが出来るからいいでしょう。
The last 2 places are in my neighbour. So, I did not need the map any longer. Unfortunately, the temple was closed, but I can go there anytime.
そして最後。 私が毎週のように行っている神社です。
小山八幡神社。 大黒様。
The last one is the shrine which I go almost every week.
It is on a hill so there is nice view. I just love to come here during the day time.
I got home at 2:45. So it took 2 hours and 15 mins.
It may be anything to a lot of people, but I felt the accomplishment!!! as I was not in good condition for a while and it has been a while since I did something like this.