香川Kagawa(観光:宿泊)Japanese sightseeing information | 観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(the accommodation of Japan)です。各県の観光情報、車椅子又はバリアフリー対応観光施設情報(Japanese sightseeing information)もあります。季節のイベント情報、観光イベント情報

  観光(香川) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
≪japanese original scenery
観光(香川)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information












  [『志度寺(しどじ) 四国霊場第86番札所』]  

[Shido Temple/志度寺]Shido Temple is a famous temple that has served as a quiet sanctuary for countless years. It is a temple with the history,there is a wonderful garden.

(さぬき市) 《Sanuki City, Kagawa Pref.》

(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)

  [(史跡高松城跡 玉藻公園)]  

〔Tamamo-park & Takamatsu-jo Castle

Tamamo park was built in Takamatsu Castle

Ruins, in the Japanese garden, which is

surrounded by beautiful greenery, the various

events of the four seasons will be held.

(高松市) 《Takamatsu City, Kagawa Pref.》
(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)


〔Tamamo-park & Takamatsu-jo Castle

Tamamo park was built in Takamatsu Castle

Ruins, in the Japanese garden, which is

surrounded by beautiful greenery, the various

events of the four seasons will be held.


(高松市) 《Takamatsu City, Kagawa Pref.》

(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)
  [『史跡高松城跡 玉藻公園』]  
  〔Tamamo-park & Takamatsu-jo Castle

Tamamo park was built in Takamatsu Castle

Ruins, in the Japanese garden, which is

surrounded by beautiful greenery, the various

events of the four seasons will be held.

(高松市) 《Takamatsu City, Kagawa Pref.》
(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)

  [『瀬戸大橋 Great Seto Bridge (Seto Ohashi)』]  

Great Seto Bridge is the world's largest bridge
connecting Honshu and Shikoku, on a particular

day the bridge is lit up from the sunset, you

can enjoy elegant and romantic atmosphere.

(坂出市) 《Sakaide City, Kagawa Pref.》
(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)

  [『志度寺(しどじ) 四国霊場第86番札所』]  

[Shido Temple/志度寺]Shido Temple is a famous temple that has served as a quiet sanctuary for countless years. It is a temple with the history,there is a wonderful garden.

(さぬき市) 《Sanuki City, Kagawa Pref.》

(写真提供 (公社)香川県観光協会)










The sightseeing information of Kagawa,
please click here.






≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K