山梨Yamanashi観光:宿泊Japanese sightseeing information | 観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(the accommodation of Japan)です。各県の観光情報、車椅子又はバリアフリー対応観光施設情報(Japanese sightseeing information)もあります。季節のイベント情報、観光イベント情報

  観光(山梨) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
観光(山梨)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information


The details of the sightseeing information of Yamanashi,please click here.(festivals and events)



















[Lake Kawaguchi]Lake Kawaguchi is registered as a Constituent Asset of a World Heritage Site.  On the shore of the lake There are many highlights such as autumn leaves in autumn, lavender in early summer, and cherry blossoms in spring. In addition, the area along Lake Kawaguchiko is famous as a spectacular shooting spot for Mt. Fuji. You can also enjoy fishing for black bass, crucian carp, and rainbow trout.

富士河口湖 [総合観光情報] WEBサイト

富士河口湖町(Town of Fujikawaguchiko)》
(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)

  [『花の都公園』][ 花の都公園 WEBサイト  


[Yamanakako Hananomiyako Flower Park


[Lake Yamanaka]Lake Yamanaka is registered as a Constituent Asset of a World Heritage Site.It is a lake whereFujimarimo (natural monument) lives. It is also designated as Japan's 100 Most Beautiful Beaches.It is also an area with various leisure facilities and sightseeing spots such as an observatory in the park around Lake Yamanaka, marine sports, popular sightseeing boats, and smelt fishing. 

(山中湖村) 《(Village of Yamanakako)》
(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)


河口湖自然生活館 WEBサイト

The Fujikawaguchiko Herb Festival ( From mid-June to mid-July) is held in Yagizaki Park & Oishi Park every year.


[Lake Kawaguchi]Lake Kawaguchi is registered as a Constituent Asset of a World Heritage Site.  On the shore of the lake There are many highlights such as autumn leaves in autumn, lavender in early summer, and cherry blossoms in spring. In addition, the area along Lake Kawaguchiko is famous as a spectacular shooting spot for Mt. Fuji. You can also enjoy fishing for black bass, crucian carp, and rainbow trout.

富士河口湖町(Town of Fujikawaguchiko)》
(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)



[Lake Kawaguchi]Lake Kawaguchi is registered as a Constituent Asset of a World Heritage Site.  On the shore of the lake There are many highlights such as autumn leaves in autumn, lavender in early summer, and cherry blossoms in spring. In addition, the area along Lake Kawaguchiko is famous as a spectacular shooting spot for Mt. Fuji. You can also enjoy fishing for black bass, crucian carp, and rainbow trout.

富士河口湖 [総合観光情報] WEBサイト

富士河口湖町(Town of Fujikawaguchiko)》

(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)


[Kaikoma-ga-take]Mount Kaikoma (甲斐駒ヶ岳, Kaikoma-ga-take) is One of japan's 100 famous mountains and One of Yamanashi's 100 famous mountains. It is also the most magnificent mountain in the Southern Alps.In particular, the mountain scenery seen from the Shichiriiwa Plateau is wonderful.The route from the trailhead on the Yamanashi side is one of Japan's three major rapid climbs.There is also a trailhead that can be reached in 30 minutes by car from the Nagasaka IC on the Chuo Expressway.

 (一社)北杜市観光協会 WEBサイト

(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)

  [『大柳川渓谷(Oyanagawa Valley)』]  



[富士川町十谷地区/大柳川渓谷][Ooyanagawa Valley/大柳川渓谷]The Ooyanagawa Valley is where you can enjoy 10 suspension bridges and many beautiful waterfalls. You can enjoy a walk on the promenade for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.In the season, you can enjoy the autumnal trees and fresh greenery.You can easily use "Tsukutabekan", an exchange terminal facility in the nearby town, after a walk.After taking a walk, it is recommended to use the nearby hot spring facility to return home.

(富士川町) 《(Fujikawa) Yamanashi Pref.》
(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)


[八ヶ岳]八ヶ岳は、日本百名山の一つです。八ヶ岳は諏訪湖の東方にあって長野県から山梨県へと南北にまたがる火山です。八ヶ岳は、山梨・長野両県に跨る山々の総称です。八ヶ岳南麓の北杜市、富士見町、原村の3市町村が 観光振興を目的として国から重点地域に指定され、ゴルフコースや温泉、博物館や美術館など様々な観光スポットがある地域でもあります。

[Mt.Yatsugatake/八ヶ岳]Mt.Yatsugatake is one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan. It is a volcano located to the east of Lake Suwa and straddles the north and south from Nagano prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture.It is a general term for mountains that straddle both Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures.Hokuto City, Fujimi Town, and Hara Village at the southern foot of Yatsugatake have been designated as priority areas by the national government for the purpose of promoting tourism.It is also an area with various tourist attractions such as golf courses, hot springs, museums and art galleries. 

 (一社)北杜市観光協会 WEBサイト

(写真提供 やまなし観光推進機構)












≪Japanese original scenery
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