観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(the accommodation of Japan)です。各県の観光情報、車椅子又はバリアフリー対応観光施設情報(Japanese sightseeing information)もあります。季節のイベント情報、観光イベント情報

  観光(福井) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
≪japanese original scenery
観光(福井)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information


The details of the sightseeing information of Fukui, please click here.(festivals and events:)



















  [『嚮陽庭園(Kyoyo-teien Garden)』]  

Kyoyo-teien Garden]Various events will be held from the early November to the beginning of December on about 1,000 maples in the garden on the east side of Nishiyama Park.

[ 鯖江観光公式サイト さばかん ]

(鯖江市) 《Sabae City, Fukui Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人福井県観光連盟)


[Tojinbo]The highlight of Tojinbo is cliffs that last for about 1 kilometer which were violently cut by wave erosion. It is amazing that the raging waves of the Sea of Japan hit the cliffs.

[ 坂井市観光ガイド[旬の情報] Web旅ナビ ]

(坂井市)《Sakai City, Fukui Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人福井県観光連盟)


[Tojinbo]The highlight of Tojinbo is cliffs that last for about 1 kilometer which were violently cut by wave erosion. It is amazing that the raging waves of the Sea of Japan hit the cliffs.

[ 坂井市観光ガイド[旬の情報] Web旅ナビ ]

(坂井市)《Sakai City, Fukui Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人福井県観光連盟)

  [『丸岡城(Maruoka Castle)』]  

[Maruoka Castle]Maruoka Castle, built in the Sengoku period, is another name, Kasumiga Castle. The scenery around the seasons is beautiful, especially the scenery around the castle in spring is fantastic and beautiful.

[ 坂井市観光ガイド[旬の情報] Web旅ナビ ]

(坂井市)《Sakai City, Fukui Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人福井県観光連盟)

  『丸岡城(Maruoka Castle)』  

[Maruoka Castle]Maruoka Castle, built in the Sengoku period, is another name, Kasumiga Castle. The scenery around the seasons is beautiful, especially the scenery around the castle in spring is fantastic and beautiful.

[ 坂井市観光ガイド[旬の情報] Web旅ナビ ]

(坂井市)《Sakai City, Fukui Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人福井県観光連盟)



The sightseeing information of Fukui,
please click here.

≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K
  観光(石川) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
≪japanese original scenery
観光(石川)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information



The details of the sightseeing information of Ishikawa,please click here.(festivals and events)
















[Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa]Kenrokuen Garden, Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is a special scenic spot, it is counted as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

[Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa]Kenrokuen Garden, Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is a special scenic spot, it is counted as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)
  [『金沢城(Kanazawa Castle)』]  

[Kanazawa Castle/Kanazawa-jo/金沢城]Kanazawa Castle is a large, well-restored castle in Kanazawa,Ishikawa Prefecture,Japan.At Kanazawa Castle Park you can observe a variety of plants throughout the four seasons.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

  [『金沢城(Kanazawa Castle)』]  

[Kanazawa Castle/Kanazawa-jo/金沢城]Kanazawa Castle is a large, well-restored castle in Kanazawa,Ishikawa Prefecture,Japan.At Kanazawa Castle Park you can observe a variety of plants throughout the four seasons.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)


[Kanazawa Castle/Kanazawa-jo/金沢城]Kanazawa Castle is a large, well-restored castle in Kanazawa,Ishikawa Prefecture,Japan.At Kanazawa Castle Park you can observe a variety of plants throughout the four seasons.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

  [『石川門 (金沢城)』]  

[Kanazawa Castle/Kanazawa-jo/金沢城]Kanazawa Castle is a large, well-restored castle in Kanazawa,Ishikawa Prefecture,Japan.At Kanazawa Castle Park you can observe a variety of plants throughout the four seasons.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)


[Kanazawa Castle/Kanazawa-jo/金沢城]Kanazawa Castle is a large, well-restored castle in Kanazawa,Ishikawa Prefecture,Japan.At Kanazawa Castle Park you can observe a variety of plants throughout the four seasons.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

  [『Kenrokuen Garden』]兼六園[WEBサイト]  

[Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa]Kenrokuen Garden, Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is a special scenic spot, it is counted as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

[Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa]Kenrokuen Garden, Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is a special scenic spot, it is counted as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.


(金沢市) 《Kanazawa City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)

(Dawn from Hirubao Snow Valley)Hakusan spans in Ishikawa Prefecture Hakusan City and Gifu Prefecture Ono-gun, Shirakawa-mura in Hakusan National Park, is a mountain at an altitude of 2,702m.

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)


(Mt. Hakusan aerial photo)Hakusan spans in Ishikawa Prefecture Hakusan City and Gifu Prefecture Ono-gun, Shirakawa-mura in Hakusan National Park, is a mountain at an altitude of 2,702m.

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)


(Mt. Hakusan viewed from Lake Shibayamagata/柴山潟から見た白山)Hakusan spans in Ishikawa Prefecture Hakusan City and Gifu Prefecture Ono-gun, Shirakawa-mura in Hakusan National Park, is a mountain at an altitude of 2,702m.

(写真提供 石川県観光連盟)



































≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K
  観光(富山) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
≪japanese original scenery
観光(富山)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information


宇奈月温泉の温泉街に近く、開放感あふれるゲレンデからは富山湾や温泉街が望める黒部市にある宇奈月温泉スキー場、四季ごとの美しい集落の景観、菅沼合掌造り集落、黒部峡谷、立山連峰や大日連峰など自然の造形美を見渡せる景色など、富山の魅力満載です。 「富山」のイベント グルメ 観光スポット情報満載です。

The details of the sightseeing information of Toyama, please click here.(festivals and events:)

















  [『富岩運河環水公園(Fugan Unga Kansui Park)』]  

Fugan Unga Kansui Park]In the Fugan Unga Kansui park, the cherry blossoms in the spring, the sea of Toyama in the summer, the autumn leaves in the fall, the snow and Aurora in the winter, light up the image of each season.please enjoy the fantastic illumination.

富山市観光ガイド(Toyama Sightseeing Guide)

(富山市) 《Toyama City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 富山県観光連盟)

  [『黒部峡谷鉄道(Kurobe Gorge Railway)』]  

It is a railroad that can travel nature in 1 hour and 20 minutes on one way. There are seasonal highlights, such as spring fresh green, clear stream of summer, fall foliage in autumn.


(黒部市) 《Kurobe City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 公益社団法人 富山県観光連盟)

  [『宇奈月温泉(Unazuki-onsen Hot Spring)』]  

[Unazuki-onsen Hot Spring]The Unazuki-onsen Hot Spring, the largest hot spring in Toyama,is situated at the mouth of the Kurobe Valley in the northeastern part of the prefecture. The Unazuki, there is a hot spring inn and ski resort.


(黒部市) 《Kurobe City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 富山県観光連盟)

  宇奈月温泉スキー場/Unazuki Onsen Ski Resort  

[Unazuki-onsen Hot Spring]The Unazuki-onsen Hot Spring, the largest hot spring in Toyama,is situated at the mouth of the Kurobe Valley in the northeastern part of the prefecture. The Unazuki, there is a hot spring inn and ski resort.


(黒部市) 《Kurobe City, Toyama Pref.》

(写真提供 公益社団法人 富山県観光連盟)

[『Shirakawa-go’s Gassho-zukuri Style Architecture/菅沼合掌造り集落』]To live in the very heavy snow, people built unique house called Gasho-zukuri. It has three or four floors tall house, with very thick straw roof.

旅々なんと 南砺市観光協会[WEBサイト]

(砺波・五箇山:南砺市) 《Nanto City, Toyama Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 富山県観光連盟)

















≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K