I said I'd do the update report but couldn't cause of my conditions.
Since the last time I've been through many things and now I'm taking an acupuncture treatment, but before I started taking it I had an original treatment in the field of osteopathy sometimes, so I'll tell some story about it.
(I heard steopathy can make damage to your body so be careful. My doctor is famous and such a professional so it was good.)
But before starting it I'll tell you why I stopped taking the PAN therapy.
Simply said, because it came to be difficult to see the change in my body after treatments and financial thing and a little bit of mental thing.
When I didn't get changes in my body it's hard to keep the motivation to go.
Everytime I went to the hospital and they asked me ''How was this time?'' which hurt me a bit.
But the biggest reason is that, as always,I happened to meet the osteopathy doctor.
Osteopathy was also good.
After the first treatment, as he said ''Your body will sway when you walk cause it's relaxed.'', on the way back home I felt the best condition ever and I got a natural high, and also my neck that had been too painful to turn to the side came to be able to do it.
Also my overall conditions got better.
One of his treatment, stroking my head to fix the distortion of the head bone was also interesting.
He almost like literally touched it but he said that it can move the bone.
He said my head bone is quite distorted, yes!
A certain thing that was different from what the PAN doctor said was that, he said, ''You don't need to care about your posture but just to be natural.''
And as it is he was sitting on his chair really relaxed, haha.
About posture, in my opinion so far is that people who are good at feeling one's body should be natural and people who are not good at it should care about that a little bit, I guess.
I'm living with a frend and he's completely different from me in the constitution? nature?
I'm the type that remember things at some corner of the brain while he completely loses it away, and I'm always conscious of my posture but he's like, I told him ''Your leg is open to left.'' and he answered ''Really!?'', and also some years ago we took a treatment about bone structure and I kept the bone position at the second time of it but he lost it to some extent.
But about this problem I haven't reached to the final answer.
Because he who's like that also got better conditions and posture since started to take acupuncture treatment.
So, why did I stop taking this treatment either?
It's because the doctor told me I didn't need to come for a while that means he had done things he could do in his field and at the moment my condition wasn't good enough, and also again, I met the acupuncture doctor.
To be continued.
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