Goodbye, Photophobia | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

(電話のみ/Only talk)

This time, I'm writing this because I have a little bit, no, maybe big news.

I think this is the first time to tell this in this blog.

I've had an intractable disease ''photophobia'' since 6 years ago.

At least in Japanese medical field it's not known well and the treatment for it hasn't been established yet, but in Japan there are at fewest 100 thousand patients of it and since last year the government has started research for it.

The symptom is that you sense light too bright: from the small lights of electronics to street lights which look like the sun with this disease, and when it's worse even the air in daytime looks too bright not only outside but in houses too.

And forcing yourself to look them makes you get pain in your eyes and head ,and also stiff neck and shoulders, and then great fatigue makes you be able to do nothing but lie down suffering from an indescribable feeling that is like something is exploding from the inside of your body.

These are my symptoms, so maybe there are some others.

So I've been using the sunglasses and caps to soften the light, but when spring came near and the sunlight got stronger they turned to be not good enough, so I used the glasses for welding,  and covered all the windows with blackout curtains and cardboard, and gave up going out.

A while ago, after watching light quite much, in the elevator suddenly I got strong fatigue and that feeling of explosion and then screamed and fell down on the floor to be unable to move.

When I used the smartphone I set the screen the darkest and the night mode and also faint mode plus using an application to make it even darker and set the background black so that the light is the weakest, and I used it only in emergency, which is when It's hard to even lie on because of another disease I have and couldn't listen to music nor radio because of the auditory sensitivity I also have, having nothing to do but wanting to forget the suffering.

Even with the settings it's still too bright for me, so after using it I came down all day long and it could last for some days.

In fact, I've written the articles in this blog that way so far.

And in this spring the sunlight becoming stronger the symptom got worse to bring me to use the sleeping mask finally.

Every time except when I slept: and when it's worse, even when I slept, I used the sleep mask, and if the little light coming in from the edge of the mask or getting through it maked me come down, I wore another mask on it.

Of course you can't see anything like blind people that way.

But I was relieved to be blind cause it was far easier than getting the fatigue and the explosion feeling.

This happened about 1 month ago.

And about 1 week ago, suddenly I came to be able to look at light.

I've started going to a center where they treat you with ''the atlas orthogonal'', which is a treatment to fix the atlas by giving a little shock which wouldn't break eggs so that the whole bone structure gets reset, and various symptoms all over your body heal.

A neck is related with nerves, so cracking it to fix it is dangerous, but they don't do it.

The doctor has healed stiff shoulders, pains in the leg and waist and back, TMD, hearing loss, autonomic nerves' problem, panic disorder, and many others which the normal hospitals can't heal.

He also has healed light photophobia sometimes.

He told me that my atlas has been twisted having taken a long time which causes problems on the eyes, ears, and autonomic nerves.

His opinion is that the distortion of the atlas relates with the nerves, bones, and mental.

I'm not gonna explain it in detail here, but his explanation was so theoretical that I, who think that everything has its cause, could believe it.

Though he had been telling me to move my body well, I couldn't do it cause of fatigue.

I told that to him, then he said, ''Keeping the treatment will make you wanna move.''.

And as he told, some days before I came to be able to look light, I came to be able to move my body, which I couldn't do no matter how.

I stretched especially the stiff neck and shoulders and waist.

And also I had started taking magnesium by drinking bittern of the sea water 30 drops a day with water, which some say the patient of photophobia lacks in.

I heard someone improved the brightness since he or she started to take it and when stopped it the symptom became bad again.

(But I also heard if you have some problem at your kidney, maybe it's not good to take it.)

I told this story to a youtuber who has photophobia and has made a research on it personally and submitted it to the government ;so he knows well about it.

And he said, ''Maybe you're the first one who has got over so heavy photophobia.''.

He called me the hope of photophobia, moreover, the prince of photophobia.

Where is my princess?

Not yet have I got over it perfectly, sensing the light of electronics too bright, so I'm writing with the settings I've told and strong sunlight also feels too bright so I can't overdo.

But when I start to feel it too bright, I move my neck and the others, which makes it better.

In addition, not only photophobia but some other symptoms have become better, like, a symptom which I believe is CFS, depression, irritation, blocked ears, auditory sensitivity, pain which I get when I sneeze, dystonia of the tongue, besides, constipation.

I, who used to have heavy constipation in my childhood, am confused how well it works now...

Recently I've heard a story that a lady had her pelvis and back bone fix to heal constipation, so I searched for it on the internet to know that the distortion of the pelvis causes constipation.

And also, my docter told that the atlas off the right place causes the distortion of the whole body.

But I heard magnesium works for constipation too.

Which one has worked in me?

I don't know.

To look back, I used to have the tendency of depression when I was a teenager(I'm 30 now), and a little while before I used to draw pictures with one eye so close to the paper,  and I think that's why the face of me, who was a junior high school student, was shifted sideways awkwardly, and since the time my ears have got often blocked.

My mother used to tell me ''Your back is arched.'', though hers is also that way...

Just after graduating the high school I got depression hard, and while I went to college I used to use a heavy backpack which caused pain in my shoulders, and 7 years ago, I got another disease so that my posture went worse...and these caused the distortion of my neck gradually, I guess.

My doctor also said ''That distortion seems to have been caused for many years.''.

I can't clearly tell the reason why I've recovered.

Because the desperately stiff neck has been better and stretching my neck makes the brightness softer, I think most of the reason is the atlas orthogonal.

But I heard that magnesium also works for not only constipation but also the sensitivity of nerves and depression...

And about CFS, I haven't been diagnosed at the hospital so I can't tell it clearly still, I've met the requirements of the diagnosis requirements in 2006, and I found an internet site which explains the relation between the disease and the atlas orthogonal.

It seems that photophobia has several causes, so I don't wanna be irresponsible 

however, maybe this is the first case in the world, so I've decided to write it down here.

Though I heard that photophobia can be caused by the medicine of depression, I haven't taken it, so I think it's not that for me: unless somebody mixed it into the juice or cake I took...

And also stroke can be the cause, but I haven't had it ever.

By the way, a friend of mine took the atlas orthogonal treatment and the shaking hand which started from the shock to the neck in an accident 26 years ago stopped for 3 days.

The reason why it started again is because the body has its habit, so even if the position is fixed it can go back to the previous position.

That's why you need to take the treatment regularly to habituate it.

So the shorter the time of the bad state is, the earlier the treatment finishes.

But what is interesting is that sometimes the symptom which hasn't improved just after the treatment becomes better after some days.

My docter told me that the brain decides the places of the bones, so it can adapt it still after the treatment.

When I asked him ''Will I recover even though it's taken 30 years?'' like a joke, he answered immediately and seriously and as if he thought it's needless of me to ask so, ''Yeah, it does soon.''.

Maybe I'm gonna say goodbye to photophobia which I've been together for 6 years and the other symptoms which I've had longer than that,

Untill then, I will savor all the diseases as deeply as I can.

updating writing

I've stopped to take magnesium for some weeks, and the other day I had the treatment, which made the photophobia and the stiff neck and shoulders even better and also my bowel still works well, so now I think the atlas orthogonal is the reason why I've been recovered.

But I heared that there are good docters of atlas orthogonal while not good ones.

So if you try it, I hope you search it well first.

Plus, I heard there are some people who quit the treatment because it seems not work, but I went worse in the 7 months until it came to be improved.

Also, It was when I had started the treatment to start to use the eye masks.

Now I think that because they treat with the body, it's natural that it changes better and also worse on the half way until it's settled.


updating writhing②

This is what I've remembered lately, I had taken two different treatments in different periods, one is ''straight chiropractic''(where they fix the bone structure by one stimulation) and acupuncture, which he treated with my body over all.

And maybe because those treatments had fixed my body balance good to some point,  the atlas treatment effected well, I guess.

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