MPEP 606 Title of Invention [R-08.2012] The title of the invention should be placed at the top of the first page of the specification unless it is provided in the application data sheet (see 37 CFR 1.76). The title should be brief but technically accurate and descriptive and should contain fewer than 500 characters. Inasmuch as the words “new,” “improved,” “improvement of,” and “improvement in” are not considered as part of the title of an invention, these words should not be included at the beginning of the title of the invention and will be deleted when the Office enters the title into the Office’s computer records, and when any patent issues. Similarly, the articles “a,” “an,” and “the” should not be included as the first words of the title of the invention and will be deleted when the Office enters the title into the Office’s computer records, and when any patent issues. |
Apparatus for producing alkylene glycols, alkylene glyocols having higher primary hydroxyl content, method of producing glycols having higher primary hydroxyl content, method of producing acrylate esters
で スペースを含めて204文字です。
欧州 Rule 41 2(b) the title of the invention, which shall clearly and concisely state the technical designation of the invention and shall exclude all fancy names; Guidelines for Examination 7.1 Requirements The request for grant must contain the title of the invention. A requirement of Rule 41(2)(b) is that the title must clearly and concisely state the technical designation of the invention and must exclude all fancy names. In this regard, the following should be taken into account: (i) personal names, fancy names, the word "patent" or similar terms of a non-technical nature which do not serve to identify the invention should not be used; (ii) the abbreviation "etc.", being vague, should not be used and should be replaced by an indication of what it is intended to cover; (iii) titles such as "Method", "Apparatus", "Chemical Compounds" alone or similar vague titles do not meet the requirement that the title must clearly state the technical designation of the invention; (iv) trade names and trademarks should also not be used; the Receiving Section, however, need only intervene when names are used which, according to common general knowledge, are trade names or trademarks. |
EPC 1973時代まで遡って探しましたが、長さにについての明示的な規定は見当たりませんでした。
日本 特許法施行規則様式29 【発明の名称】」は、当該発明の内容を簡明に表示するものでなければならない。 特許・実用新案審査ハンドブック 発明の名称の欄及び出願人・代理人の欄に表示できる文字数には制限がある。起案書を確認したときに、これらの欄の記載が途中で切れていた場合(文字数の制限数を超えている場合)は、審査官は、「特許査定/登録査定設定」画面の「備考欄入力」を開き、そこに「発明の名称の続き:○△…」等と記載して、切れている部分を記載するか、又は「発明の名称:XX○△…」等と記載して、発明の名称等を全部記載する(その際、内部データとしては切れている部分を保持しているので、「変更」ボタンを押下して、「発明/考案の名称」欄の編集は行わない。)。 |
PCT 規則4.3 Title of the Invention The title of the invention shall be short (preferably from two to seven words when in English or translated into English) and precise. |
にもかかわらず、発明の名称に対する職権訂正も有り得る旨がRule 37.2に規定されている(if the said Authority finds that the title does not comply with Rule 4.3, it shall itself establish a title)ということは、短ければそれに越したことはないはずです。
PCT 条約作成時の資料