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令話6年能登半島地震に被災された皆さんにお見舞い申し上げます。 - ブログ村ハッシュタグ

PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村にほんブログ村 自転車ブログへにほんブログ村


碓氷峠の麓、西松井田の旧中山道傍で自転車ショップやらゲストハウスやらを営む ティム・スミス氏が主宰する自転車系Facebookグループ  Japan Cycling Navigator  にこんな書き込みがあった。image



Hello helpful group. I wish to share my experience of today. It might help someone. Since I prepare this trip (almost a year ago), I read so much things about traveling with a bike with public transportation in Japan. I was discouraged, since I needed to feel secure to be able to get help if for any reason I get tired or else. My bike is very old, steal, heavy. I bought a ringing bag in my arrival in Fukuoka, since I wanted to give me al the chances to use public transports. I am 70 and I did ride South Korea from Seoul to Busan but I worried that Japan might be more hilly and more complicated.

Yesterday I tried to buy an intercity bus ticket Fukuoka-Oita and the lady told me completely NON for my bike. According to her it has to be as small as a folding bike !!! I explained to her how I could make it smaller taking of my front wheel and cover it…but it seemed not to be enough.


I went to the train station and I met a “sun ray “. The lady was sweet, easy going , telling me to make my bike small without too much indications. I bought my ticket for the time she would be there next morning, being ready to be refused once they see what my bike looks like once prepared. Arrived very early to have time to deal with the unexpected … and finally, I could pass the gate to prepare my bicycle the closest to the stairs, and said I wish to do it at the platform since all this would be too heavy for me. A young man said he will help me, and finally it went very smoothly.

He carried the bike and me the panniers. And nobody said anything, even if the way my bike was standing in the wagon was not according to the rules. At my arrival, I rapidly pulled out my bags and then my bike and asked for help at a group of workers there. A young man carried my bike until the exit.

It went so easy… I thought I would go through a nightmare…but no

I think it depends on the people we meet, but on our attitude too…maybe. Or I have been very lucky.

I do not see at all the utility of this ringo bag…that cost much by the way. We could cover the bike with any raincoat for bike which cost around 1 $.





流石に70過ぎのお婆ちゃんに 厳しく辛口のコメントは可哀想だと思い、一葉の写真を添えて

It is recommended to remove 
both the front and rear wheels.







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