#prayforjapan-世界からの祈り(翻訳) | 浅井俊論オフィシャルブログ「Singer's Bar」Powered by Ameba



歌い手 三上龍人オフィシャルブログ「Ryu‘s Bar」
OrianthiHawaii (Hawaii loves Ori)
"please help & donate to the Red Cross and continue to #prayforjapan"

iTSjustSMASHLi (Ashleigh)
"Dear God, give Japan the strength to get through there current dissasters. Help them restore. Send our love -Amen"

Redcrest (Red Crest)
"So glad to hear about all the international aid pouring into Japan. Hope the death toll won't rise. "

EssBreezi (Shay)
"GOD, please protect the people of Japan for they are in your hands Heavenly Father!"

aretamarcelll (areta marcella)
"I close my eyes and i can see a better day i close my eyes and pray for japan..."

maethedevonne (Maethe Pauferro)
"I'll #prayforjapan tonight, and tomorrow, and always."

ambreindustries(Ambre Industries)
"Buy prayer bead bracelet & we donate 2 Japan RedCross! http://www.ambreindustries.com/product/project-10-x-ambre-prayer-beads"

AliBaliBabe (Alix K)
"This is a devastation, they need help. Take action, and make a change."

davechappelle (Davidnot Chappelle)
"times like this we gotta stick together, real talk. God bless everyone affected by the earthquake & tsunami."

micahshann (MicahF & ShannelleB)
"writting this as my tweet AGAIN cause they are in need of help and hope. Let them find their loved ones and be 2gether again"

Pixar_artist (pixar_artist)
"@Disney Please!! Could you draw the picture for Japan? A lot of people suffer from the earthquake. pray for japan"
「お願い!! 日本のために、絵を描いてもらえませんか?多くの人々が地震で苦しんでいます。日本のために祈りを」

DemonCeleste (Evangeline)
"My heart, my mind are all with the people in Japan...I #prayforjapan that they find strength through this disaster.."

jacksayspurple (Jack Rear)
"I'm not religious, but I send my thought and best wishes out to those poor people affected by the tsunami!"

moodfornoodles (Inthemoodfornoodles)
"so heart breaking watching the news"

Moon_SeungRin91 (Kareena_MooN91)
"i almost cry when i saw the news about the tsunami in Japan..i'll #prayforjapan every single day..may God protect them.."
「日本の津波についてのニュースを見たとき、泣きそうになった.. 私は日本のために毎晩祈ります。神様、彼らをお守りください」

shradhabhatia (Shradha Bhatia)
"「We need foreign countries' help...」she said, choking back tears. 「We're in an emergency, please help us.」 - excerpt from CNN"
