Nara Park(奈良公園) is a popular tourist destination in Japan that is known for its wild deer that roam freely throughout the park. However, there have been recent incidents where tourists have been feeding the deer with foods other than deer crackers or leaving litter in the park. It's important to understand that while these deer may seem tame and friendly, they are still wild animals and should be treated with respect. Here are some guidelines for properly interacting with the deer in Nara Park:



Only feed the deer with deer crackers(鹿せんべい) that are sold within the park. These crackers are specifically made for the deer and are a safe and healthy treat for them. Do not bring your own food to feed the deer. Human food can be harmful to the deer and can cause health problems. Also, feeding them anything other than deer crackers can encourage the deer to become aggressive or beg for food. Here's something a bit interesting. The deer living in Nara Park bow. If you are holding a deer cracker, they will bow and ask you to give them one.



Do not tease, chase, or hit the deer. These actions can frighten the animals and cause them to become defensive or aggressive. Be gentle and respectful when petting or touching the deer. While the deer are accustomed to human interaction, they are still wild animals and may react negatively if they feel threatened.


Do not litter in the park. Litter can be harmful to the deer and other wildlife in the area. Be aware of your surroundings and the behaviour of the deer. If a deer seems agitated or aggressive, it's best to give it some space and avoid approaching it.


By following these guidelines, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience interacting with the deer in Nara Park. Remember to treat these animals with respect and appreciate them from a distance.