【ご協力のお願い】米アップル、iPhone地図から「竹島」削除し「独島」単独表記について | 中谷良子の落書き帳







★米アップル、iPhone地図から「竹島」削除し「独島」単独表記 ★



















Dear Mr. Tim Cook.Arthur D. Levinson.


The South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that the name “Takeshima” is no longer displayed on maps produced by some devices made by Apple in the United States. In regard to this, as a citizen of Japan, I protest against your company. Your company has given in to the loud voices of Korea, and made a decision that goes against reality. As a Japanese, I find this truly deplorable. My country established dominion over Takeshima in the middle of the 17th century, around the start of the Edo period, at the latest, and many Japanese actually resided and lived their lives there.

It was declared by the government of Japan on February 22, 1905, in Shimane Prefectural ordinance, that Takeshima and Tsushima are Japanese territory, and they were incorporated into Shimane Prefecture. Korea did not protest this. Japan has established possession of the islands. Japan officially declared ownership of Takeshima as well as Senkaku, enforced Japanese law there, and governed them. Korea, knowing of Japanese ownership, protested other matters, but did not once protest the ownership of Takeshima.

The government has presented many grounds to back up Takeshima being Japanese territory, and has, at every opportunity, protested the South Korean government. Even proposals to solve the problem at the International Court of Justice, South Korea has continued to come up with reasons to boycott the sessions. After the post-war state of destruction in Japan, Korea, like a looter after a fire, Korea captured Takeshima, eliminated the Japanese with military force, and unlawfully occupied it.

At first glance, it may seem like Korea has control, but I will say this as many times as necessary:

(1) Korea cannot provide any basis for their claims (legal grounds of possession). There are those who say things like “Korea effectively has control,” but that is false. Why, you ask? Because in the Treaty of Peace with Japan (the San Francisco Peace Treaty), signed on on September 8, 1951, Takeshima is attributed to Japan.

(2) On January 18, 1952, Takeshima was included in the Syngman Rhee Line, which was drawn on the basis of the treaty, and Korea claimed that it was their territory. Japan protested this in a note verbale on January 28, 1952.

Furthermore, after illegally occupying Takeshima, South Korea has repeatedly fired at and captured Japanese fishing boats operating in the waters near Takeshima. According to the Japan–Republic of Korea Joint Fisheries Commission, as of the time the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea and fishery agreements were signed in 1965, 328 Japanese fishing boats had been captured, 3,929 boatmen were detained, and of those, 44 died or were injured.

In any case, Korea has used the issue of Takeshima as a tool for any and every political dispute, even in the fields of sports and entertainment. They are fixated on showing contempt for Japan, and the Japanese are sick and tired of it. Also, in regard to the issue of comfort women, there was no actual sex slavery, and yet they exaggerate and cause a fuss, erect monuments everywhere, spread throughout the world the idea that judo, karate, aikido, flower arranging, tea ceremony, kabuki, tofu, soba, sushi, and Korean barbecue originated in Korea. The country is beyond help. And the Japanese forced to go along with this are at the point of exhaustion from their drunken lies and misplaced anger, resembling that of madmen. The government and citizens have not fought back in the way one would expect, but as a citizen of Japan, I fear that if I stay silent, the real history of Japan will be painted over. I write this email with the singular purpose of making your company understand the truth.

The big trap that is communist uniformity of thought, sent to South Koreans via the single-party dictatorships of China and North Korea in order to further fan the flames of Koreans’ anger, use it for their own country’s gain, and purposefully alienate Japan, is showing effect, so this is not a simple problem, not a mere conflict between South Korea and Japan.

Also, concerning issues of territory, Takeshima and Tsushima are Japanese territory, and that is a solid fact, so I ask for prompt correction. You need to handle this situation with a true sense of justice, without becoming confused by the loud voices of South Koreans (Chinese and North Korean spies). If you do not make the correction, it will be a stain on your company, that you continue to be completely deceived and toyed with by the Chinese and North Korean spies.



1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014
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