”Can Japan solve the problem of a super-aged society in the foreseeable future?






ポイントを書き出した。 問題は、もちろん、labor shortage, financial social welfare   社会福祉のかかるコスト, 最後は、なんとかひねり出し、local economy とした。一ノ瀬先生のyoutube を参考にさせて


ちなみに一ノ瀬先生は、local economy ではなく 「選挙で高齢者優先にしてしまう政策」を挙げられていた。


Japan is grappling with the challenges of a super-aged society, and finding solutions in the foreseeable future appears to be a formidable task.  

our society is struggling with how to manage the foreseeable future. にしていた。



 I believe Japan cannot effectively address the issues posed by a super-aged society in the near future,


 primarily due to labor shortages, escalating social welfare costs, and the impact on local economies.


Firstly, Japan has experienced a steady decline in its fertility rate over the past several years, currently

the fertility rate has been shrinking にしていた

 standing at a mere 1.1 percent. 


This trend is expected to persist, leading to a dwindling working-age population. 

which is likely to decline in the future.  Thus, working -age population is dwindlingにしていた


While Japan has opened its doors to temporary immigrant workers to alleviate labor shortages, 

this is only a short-term solution.



Secondly, the financial strain on social welfare is escalating in the face of a super-aged society. 

the cost of social welfare surges due to a super-aged society.にしていた


The burden of pension and medical healthcare costs is increasingly challenging to manage, 


with the younger generation and immigrants unable to fully support these growing expenses. 



Without substantial and immediate measures, resolving this issue seems nearly impossible.


Finally, the aging population is adversely affecting local economies. 

local economy has been lowered by aging.にしていた


Regions without a vibrant youth demographic struggle to revitalize, 


leading to the eventual obsolescence of events and activities that were once driven by the younger generation. 


This, in turn, contributes to a decline in local economies.


In conclusion, while some may suggest solutions involving robotics or increased immigration,

 I remain skeptical about Japan effectively addressing the challenges of a super-aged society in the foreseeable future. 

The persistent issues of labor shortages, financial strains on social welfare, and the decline of local

burden にしていた

 economies pose significant challenges that need comprehensive and sustained efforts.


are challenging in the current situation.にしていた


persistent やpose  は 意識してどんどん使っていかないといけない。知っていても使わないと、、、

vibrant youth demographic はlively younger generation で良さそうだが、これを使えるとかっこいいな。




