



これは、Chat GPTにかけたりしていない。あえて、自分で。


What words of care and consideration  make you impressed ?

 When I used to work as a school teacher,  I sometimes felt stressed and bothered with dealing with teachers and students’ parents.

 I am not good at expressing myself . I think as I was growing up, I was becoming poor at communicating with people. 

Maybe it was a matter of my choice of the words.

 I was a school English teacher and now I am teaching English at my school. 

When you tell something in English, you are likely to say directly . right?

For example , let’s say  when you  give some present to others , what will you say?

You will say in Japanese, “ つまらないものですが、、”this is trivial , though.”

Or "this is boring, though. " But Westerners never say that but say "This is good for you. I am sure you’ll like it."

People in foreign countries seem to utter in a direct way and exaggeratedly.

They put on main topic first , then add something.

So I felt somewhat most English teachers seem to mention what they want to say directly. And so did I .

 That might be the reason why  I was not so good at exchanging words with others.

Also, I tend to see things in black and white; I like to make clear decisions rather than choosing the middle ground.

  I didn’t know what kind words make people feel good.


Last week, one of my student’s parents come to me to bring English lesson fee because her daughter cannot commute due to the juku but she send  reading video to me every night.  After receiving the envelope, I saw one message on it.  

“ Kojima sensei, いつもありがとうございます and her name. It is a simple word. 

But I was impressed by the word. 

Usually you just put fee in the envelope or

 sometimes write your name and amount of money on it.

I have been worried about the way of 

 whether I should say something directly , vaguely or nothing. 

But  I realized it is not necessary to say too much syrupy compliments when you talk with someone. Maybe it is good to say something honestly.


It has been 30 years since I got married this year and 10 years since I started up my English school. 

  I hope I can manage my personal life and business life

while caring about my way of communicating, the simplicity with cordial manner is the 

best way.


Thank you.