Beth Ditto loves Melissa | Ready Steady Go!

Ready Steady Go!

Season Concept
   ~ London Eye ~

アメリカのロックバンド『 The Gossip/ ザ・ゴシップ 』のボーカリスト『 Beth Ditto / ベス・ディットー』は、melissa の大ファン。

2008年には、 Glamour Awards / グラマー・アワード International Artist of The Yearを受賞している。

Polemic, feminist and one of the main faces of the indie rock’s new generation worldwide, Beth Ditto, The Gossip’s singer, has been having more and more attention of the international media. The result is that this trendy girl with a strong personality also influences her fans, which by the way are not few. Last year, Ditto has been chosen as the artist of year in the Glamour Awards. And the singer has a special care for a genuine Brazilian product! She’s in love with Melissa and has already declared, in the first edition of Love, the new magazine edited by ...

米ブッシュ政権を批判したメッセージソング『Standing In The Way Of Control』がスマッシュヒットとなる。

Ready Steady Go!-beth 2


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Ready Steady Go!-Best 6


Ready Steady Go!-Beth Ditto


Ready Steady Go!-Beth Nude
