





D: 大門さん    T: トムさん


D: So, Tom, are you interested in architecture? 


T: I love it. In fact, I used to dream of being an architect. When I was a kid, I got a book on buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright, and it was mesmerizing — I lost myself in that world. Along the way, I found that he designed buildings in Japan, which got me interested in Japanese architecture, too. That was another fascinating rabbit hole to explore. 


D: There was a famous hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Tokyo called The Wright Imperial. He incorporated many design elements that were inspired by Japanese culture and nature into both interiors and exteriors. Some say he might have gotten inspiration from the historical Byodoin Temple in Kyoto, although it's not certain. I feel a great thing about Japanese architecture is its historical buildings. 


T: Absolutely. They're amazing. 


D: That includes the skills of the ancient carpenters who built temples and other structures such as a five-story pagoda that can stand over periods of hundreds of years. Are Japanese buildings and their designs attracting attention abroad? 


T: Well, nine Japanese architects have taken home the Pritzker, so the answer to that question is pretty clear! 


D: What do you think makes it so interesting to people overseas? 


T: I'm sure there are many reasons. One is that, historically, Western architecture was designed to dominate nature, but I think Japanese architecture — particularly in the modern category — incorporates nature and blends with it. People appreciate that balance between the artificial and the natural. 


D: I also think Japanese buildings are in harmony with nature.





下線部はblurs the line with it「自然との境界線を曖昧にする」ですね。












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