




As we've been reporting, a relatively strong earthquake struck Japan Okinawa region at around 8:58 a.m. local time, and this has triggered tsunami warning for the prefecture. Tsunami warning is issued for Okinawa Prefecture. If you're in the area, you need to evacuate the higher ground immediately.
And if there are no *raised locations around you, get as far away as possible from the coastline or riverside which could overflow, and go up tall buildings. And do not hesitate or stop or go back to where you came from. In the past disasters, people lost their lives when they went back to their houses to gather their items. So do not hesitate or go back to where you came from. Keep evacuating until the officials has lifted the warning. 




「そして、ためらったり、立ち止まったり、元の場所に戻ったりしないでください。 過去の災害では、物を取りに自宅に戻る途中で命を落とす人もいました。」



A relatively strong earthquake of....earthquake struck Okinawa region just before 9:00 a.m. in Japan time and this has triggered a tsunami warning. Waves as high as 3 meters are expected to hit the area, especially if you are in the Miyako and Yaeyama island region, the first waves are rapidly approaching your area right now. The first waves are rapidly approaching your area right now, so if you are especially in Miyako and Yaeyama island region, right now, you need to get away from the coastline or riverside, which could overflow, and go up tall buildings, and once you secures your own safety, please check on people around you to see if there's anyone who needs assistance. Small children, people with disability or the elderly of require help, so please do evacuate with them. If you're listening to this broadcasting, please initiate the evacuation and you call on people around you to evacuate with you as well. And the main island region of Okinawa, waves are expected to hit the shore at around 10:00 a.m. It is 9:17 a.m. in Japan right now, so which will give you still about 40 minutes. But don't think that you still have enough time. Remember these times are only just estimation. This is only an estimated arrival time, so waves can hit the shore much much sooner than expected. So you need to get higher ground as long as there is a tsunami warning in effect. You need to evacuate to higher ground right now.


「(津波到達まで)約 40 分ということですが、時間が十分にあるとは考えないでください。 これらの時間は単なる推定値であることに注意してください。 これは到着時間の推定値にすぎないため、予想よりもはるかに早く津波が海岸に到達する可能性があります。」


If you are driving a car and experiencing heavy traffic, you might want to consider getting out of a car and ran away on foot if you think that's safer and faster. Yonaguni town is urging the people to evacuate to higher ground immediately. 





私が使いこなせそうにないyou might want toをこんな場面でも使っている。





We're getting new information on the waves that have hit the Yonaguni Island in Okinawa. 30 centimeters Tanami waves have reached the area. The actual height of the tsunami that have hit the Yonaguni Island at 9:14 AM were 30 centimeters. 

Well, 30 centimeters, you may think that's not very high, but do not underestimate the power of tsunami, even a 50cm tsunami can *weigh a power of as much as 200 kilograms on a person's legs and making it impossible even for an adult to stay up straight. So 30 centimeters tsunami, you may think that's not very high, but do not underestimate the power of tsunami.




「50 センチメートルの津波でも、人の足には200キログラムもの重みがかかり、大人でもその場にまっすぐに留まることができなくなります。」







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