
1. 'I am kind-hearted'
2. 'I am gentle'
3. 'I am loving'
4. 'I am beautiful'
5. 'I make a difference in the life of those around me'
6. 'I am stronger than all that has crossed me'
7. 'I am alive, I am here'
8. 'I am enough'
9. 'I am aware of my surroundings'
10. 'I am passionate'
11. 'I am connected to all'
12. 'It is a miracle I was born. I am a miracle'
13. 'I understand myself'
14. 'I am loved'
15. 'I possess valuable skills'
16. 'I am centered and grounded'
17. 'I am successful'
18. 'My life is going smoothly'
19. 'I am brave'
20. 'I help others reach their fullest potential'
21. 'I am patient'
22. 'I need nothing and attract everything'
23. 'I am safe'
24. 'I am creative'
25. 'I am a good friend'
26. 'I recognize the needs in my community and help'
27. 'I am who I am supposed to be'
28. 'I honour my intuition'
29. 'I release all of my worry, fear, and regret'
30. 'I am calm and feel peace inside me'
31. 'I am whole'
32. 'I have my life balanced'
33. 'I radiate healing energy'
34. 'I inspire myself'
35. 'I am truthful, honest, and genuine'
36. 'I am full of vitality'
37. 'My immune system is active and healthy'
38. 'I can do anything and everything I set my mind to'
39. 'I am a new person every time I wake up'
40. 'I spend my time preciously, doing the things I find fulfilling'
41. 'I listen to my heart'
42. 'I listen to my body'
43. 'I accept the past and move on'
44. 'I am abundant'
45. 'I have learned form my mistakes, and from the mistakes of others'
46. 'I can detach myself when necessary'
47. 'I listen when nature speaks'
48. 'My mind is cleared of all negative thoughts'
49. 'I am pure and clean'
50. 'I am renewed'