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Rule 85

Subject to any decision of the Health Assembly, the procedure 
governing the conduct of business and voting by committees shall conform 
as far as practicable to the Rules relative to the conduct of business and 
voting in plenary meetings. One third of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum.

The presence of a majority of a committee shall, however, be required for a question to be put to a vote.










中谷議長: 投票権を持つ国は183、 うち欠席は95、 賛成票は58、棄権は30、反対は0。 (つまり出席は88)

中国: 投票権を持つ国は183か国です。欠席国は95か国です。つまり88か国が投票したことになります。それで定足数に達しているのでしょうか?
China : There are 183 countries who have the right. There 95 countries who are absent. So 88 countries have voted. Have we already reached the quorum?

法律顧問: 欠席が95人いるといった場合、その中には、会場にはいるが、「賛成」、「反対」、「棄権」のどれにも表示しなかった人も含まれます。会場にいて単に投票に参加しなかった人 (いわゆる幽霊) は「欠席」として数えられますが、「出席」しており「定足数」として数えられます。(もっと欠席数は少なかったと屁理屈を言っている。)
Legal Counsellor: When we talk about 95 being absent, that would include those members who are in the room but did not raise their name plates either for a Yes or No, or an Absentation. 
So those who were in the room and simply did not participate in the vote are sort of marked as absent from the but they are present for a quorum.

中国: 出席しかつ投票しなかった方々が状況をよく理解されているかどうかさらなる説明を求めたいと思います。(要は本当に幽霊がいるのかを質問した)

法律顧問: 「投票に参加しないこと」「ネームプレートを上げない」は加盟国の主権的権利です。会場にいて単に投票に参加しなかった人は「欠席」として数えられますが、私たちは、その数を数えることしかできません。
Legal Counsellor: It is the sovereign right of any member state sitting here not to participate in a vote, not to raise their name plates. It's not for the secretarial not the chair to question that. They're entitled to do so. And we can only count the members that we have.

So the numbers that you read are not indicative of whether there is a quorum present or not.
because as I say, the number of members that we read out as being absent are 95.
But that includes those who are genuinely absent of those who are simply not participating in th vote at all.
The vote has now closed, so there's no way to  go back to it in any event.
The result has been closed and announced by the chair.

サウジアラビア: 定足数は過半数だと思います。現在、定足数は満たしていますか?
Saudi Arabia : The quorum, I think, is 50% plus 1. So what is our quorum? Do we have a quorum?

法律顧問: この会議の投票定足数は過半数の96です。
Legal Counsellor : Quorum for this meeting is 95 for voting. That's 50 plus 1.

サウジアラビア: 私は、メキシコの修正案の合意の際の定足数について尋ねています。
Saudi Arabia:  I am asking about. Did we reach the quorum on the amendments of Mexico? Did we reach a quorum or nothing?

法律顧問: 先ほど説明しましたように結果の出た投票については、定足数が満たされているかどうかは明らかにしません。票の数え方からはっきりとできないのです。

Legal Counsellor: The results of th voting do not disclose whether there was a quorum or not.
Because of the way the votes are counted, it's not possible to establish firmly whether the votes don't disclose that themselves.
What we did was we checked the quorum at the beginning of the meeting, and if any member state wishes to question the quorum, then will check the quorum. 
So yes, there was a quorum during the meeting which has carried on. 

サウジアラビア: 修正案の採択に何カ国が投票すべきかを知る必要があります。ここにいたのに投票しなかった国は、賛成も反対も意思表示しなかったので欠席としてカウントされる。彼らは投票には参加しなかった。つまり定足数とは「賛成」「反対」「棄権」の合計ではないのですか。(幽霊委員なんか認めないよと言いいたい)
Saudi Arabia:  I need to know what is the limit, how many countries should vote for the amendments to be adopted.
Even some countries they are here, but they did not vote.
They did not raise the flag, either with or against.
So they are counted to be absent.
They did not participate in the vote.
So the quorum is among those who said yes or no or abstain.

法律顧問: 「必要な過半数」とは「出席し投票するメンバーの単純過半数」です。つまり「賛成か反対のどちらかに投票する人の過半数」です。棄権者あるいは欠席者はカウントしません。58カ国が「賛成」または「反対」を投じ、実際は58カ国全てが賛成でした。動議可決には58の過半数29が必要ですが、実際の結果は58対0でした。(この発言で定足数は29に変わった)
Legal Counsellor: The required majority is simply majority of the members present and voting.
And that is a majority of those who vote either yes or no.
We do not count those who are absent in establishing that.
So there were 58 member states who voted Yes or No.
In fact, they all voted Yes.
So you needed a majority of 58 on that vote for the motion to be carried, and of course, it was 58 to zero.
So the actual majority required would have been 29.

エジプト : 投票の分類は「賛成」「反対」「棄権」「欠席」のてずれかです。「欠席」は「欠席」です。
「投票していない出席者」は採決のためには「欠席」扱い、定足数のためには「出席」扱いということに、あなた方はしたいのですか? 理解できません。
私の質問は「① 今回の採決で定足数を数えるのか? ② (前の採決で)なぜ数えなかったのか?」ということです。
Egypt:  According to the classification of the legal for the voting, it's either "Yes", "No", Abstain and Absent.
Absent is absent, or you want to say absent for voting and present for not voting? I don't understand.
My question is that
1. right now we are going to count for the quorum?
2. why we didn't do that before the first voting?

法律顧問: 保健総会では「加盟国からの要請がない限り 積極的に定足数を数えない」のが慣例となっています。全ての採決において一貫した慣例です。
Legal Counsellor: The practice in the Health Assembly is not proactively count for a quorum unless requested to do so by a member state.
That's the consistent practice before all the votes that we do.
You did, however here at the beginning of our session, that the chair checked whether a quorum was  present. 
We do not have a dynamic system of checking who's coming in and out of meetings.
If the meeting considers that the quorum may have dropped, then a separate quorum count can be taken.

サウジアラビア: 定足数は加盟国の過半数のはずです。
Saudi Arabia: I think quorum must be 50 plus 1, half of the members.

法律顧問: "Rule of Procedure" には「決議毎に定足数の過半数が必要であるとはありません
(これは嘘である。ちゃんとRule 85 に書いてある)
「反対」を足した中で多かった方が過半数です。他の数は全て無視されるため「ルール69」に則り「棄権」や「欠席」はカウントされません。(ルール69 及び ルール72は総会(本会議)の規則で、委員会の規則ではない。)
つまり、おっしゃる通り、「(議場に実際にいない)欠席者」と 「議場にいるが投票していない人」を「欠席者」と呼ぶべきでした。  次の決議ではそうします。

Legal Counsellor: I can answer that question, in some bodies that would be the case, that you would need to have a majority of the members full stop. That is not what is in our "Rules of Procedure".
Rule 69 provides that each member shall have one vote in the health assembly.
For the purposes of these rules, the phrase members present in voting means members casting a valid affirmative or negative vote.
Members abstaining from voting are considered as not voting.
The required majority in this case is set out in Rule 72 which says, except stipulated otherwise in these rules, decisions on other questions, that's questions that don't require a two-thirds majority,  shall be made by majority of the members present in voting, which as defined in Rule 69, is those members who are present and voting and who cast a valid affirmative or negative vote.
So the majority is a majority who vote Yes or No.
All other numbers are ignored, so abstentions, absence are not counted toward that figure as defined in Rule 69 of our rules of procedures.
That can be the case even if that number is less than 50% of the members who are entitled to vote.
That's why we tell you at the beginning how many members are entitled to vote.
We also tell you what the combines number of those absent, and, yes, you're right.
We should say it's those absent and those who are present but not voting.
We'll do that for the next round.

エジプト: "Rule of Procedure" に「定足数は聞かれないと数えない」と書いてあるのですか?
Egypt: Is there something in the "Rules of Procedure" saying that the quorum must be asked so we can count?
There is a statement said by the legal that the quorum is 96.
Do you have a proof of that?

法律顧問: 「定足数は96である」と言いましたが、それは「定足数を満たすための出席必要数」にすぎません。定足数は聞かれれば数えます。 

Legal Counsellor: When I said the quorum is 96, that's how many members need to be present for there to be a quorum.
So that's the question. If a quorum is being challenged, we can take a quorum count at this stage.