











Anchor :  


It's an honor for me that you've made from the US. 

Thank you very much to visiting Berlin and being here with us, fighting for freedom and for a better world.  

Thank you. 



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. :  


Thank you everybody. 


Backed home the United States, the news papers are saying that I came here today to speak job out about five thousands Nazis. 

And tomorrow they're gonna report that yes I was here and I spoke maybe three to five thousands Nazis. 


But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. 

I see the people who love democracy, people want open government, people want leaders that will not ride on them. 

People will not want leaders that make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the populations. 


We want health officials who don't have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry, who are working for us, not a big pharma. 

We want officials who care about our children's health, not about pharmaceutical profits or governmental control. 


I look at this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe. 

I see people of every color. 

I see people from every nation, every religion all caring about human dignity, about children's health, about political freedom. 

This is the opposite of Nazism. 



Governments love pandemics, and love pandemics for the same reason they love war. 

Because they kill them the ability to impose and control of population with otherwise never accept to create the institution and mechanism for orchestrating and imposing obedience. 


I'll tell you something. 

It's a mystery to me. 

And all these big important people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauch. 

“I've been planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades. 

The planning it so would be all safe when this pandemic finally came”. 


And yet now this year they don't seem to know what they are talking about. 

They seem to be making the opposite go wrong. 

They are faking numbers. 

They can not tell you the case death certificate rate for COVID as basic. 

They can not give us a PCR test that actually works. 

They don't have.  

They have to change the definition of COVID on the death certificate constantly to make it look more and more dangerous. 


One thing they 're good at is popping up fear. 

Seventy five years ago Hermann Göring testified at the Nürburgring trial and he was asked how did you make German people go alone with all this, and he said. 

“It's easy thing. 

It's not any thing to do with Nazism. 

It has to do with human nature. 

You can do this in a Nazi regime. 

You can do it in a Socialist regime. 

You can do it in a commuist regime. 

You can do it in a monarchy and democracy. 

The only thing the government needs is to make people into slave, 

is fear. 

You can figure out somethinfg to make them scared. 

You can get them do anything you want”. 


Almost fifty years ago, my uncle John Kennedy came to this city. 

He came here Berlin, because Berlin was the front line against global totalitarianism. 

And today again Berlin is the front line against global totalitarianism, 

My uncle came here, he proudly said to the people of Germany, each denied  billionaires. 

And today all of us are here, can proudly say once again, each deny billionaires. 

Because You are the front line against the totalitarianism. 


I will say one more thing. 


They have done vety good job about protecting public health. 

But they've done vety good job using quarantine to bring 5G to all of our communities and to shift us all to begin the process of shifting us to digital currency which is the beginning of slavery.  

Because they can control your bank account and they can control your behaviour. 


And we all see these advertisments on television saying 5G is coming to your community and it's gonna be a great thing for all of you. 

It's gonna change your lives to make all of your life so much better and it's very convincing. 

I have to say, cause I look at those ads, I think that's great, I can hardly wait till it gets here. 

Then because I'm gonna be able to download a video game in 6 seconds instead of 16 seconds. 

And is the eye lie spending 5 trillion dollars to 5G? 


The reason has for surveillance and data harvesting is not for you and me, for Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Bezos, and all of the other billionairs. 

Bill Gates says his satellite fleet will be able to look at every square inch of the planet 24 hous a day. 

That's only the begining. 

He also will be able to follow you, all of your smart devices through biometric face recognition through your GPS. 

You think the Alexis is working for you, she is working for you, she is working for Bill Gates spying on you. 


And the pandemic is a crisis of conveinience for the elites who are  dictating policies. 

It gives them ability to the obliterate the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to shift all of our wealth of all of us to a handful of billionaires, to make themselves rich by impoverising the rest of us. 


The only thing between them and our children, is this crowd, and is come to Berlin. 

We're telling today you're not gonna take away our freedom, and you are not gonna poison our children. 

We' re gonna demand our democracy back. 

Thank you very much for fighting. 



司会 :


ロバート・ケネディ Jr. :




















=== 単語メモ === 

arbitrary 独断的 

big pharm 巨大医薬品企業 

biometric face recognition 生体測定顔認識システム 

death certificate死因証明書 

dictate policies 政策を決定する 

dignity 尊厳 

entanglements もつれ。(発覚が)難しくて複雑な関係 

global totalitarianism 世界的な全体主義 

Hermann Göring ドイツの政治家。第二次世界戦後のニュルンベルク裁判では最も主要な被告人としてヒトラーとナチ党を弁護した。 

Nazis ナチス 

Nürburgring trial ニュルンベルク裁判 

obedience 服従 

orchestrate 指揮する、画策する 

pharmaceutical industry 巨大医薬品産業 

quarantine 隔離 



Backed home from the United States 米国から戻ってきました(ベルリン市民の気持ちで言ったと思われる) 

speak maybe three to five thousands Nazis 
