ソロスが支援する地方検事アルビン・ブラッグが、司法省、ホワイト・ハウスと緊密に連携して、バイデ… | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


トランプ大統領関連、クリスチャン関連、音楽ネタ、動画・写真 etc.





Donald J. Trump





This Witch Hunt is FALSE ANCIENT HISTORY that was fully adjudicated by the Voters in the 2016 Presidential Election. It only has to do with Election Interference, and trying to help Crooked Joe Biden get elected because he can’t do it by himself. It is a vicious attack by the Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, in strict coordination with the D.O.J. and the White House, on Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. IT IS ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, AND STRICTLY THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!






