世界中でジョージアの「ファニ・スキャンダル」について話している | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Donald J. Trump




They’re talking about the Georgia “Fani Scandal” all over the World. In fact, by far, it is trending #1. I can’t believe the Georgia State Judiciary, or the Governor, can be happy about this humiliating embarrassment. It was a FAKE CASE from the start, and now everybody sees it for what it is, a MAJOR LEAGUE SCANDAL! The legal pundits, experts, and scholars are all screaming that this Witch Hunt, which has hurt so many fine people and patriots, should be immediately terminated and permanently erased from everyone’s memory. The stench of what has happened should shame Georgia no longer. It should get back to GREATNESS, and FAST!!!





