炎2 -罪を焼き尽くす神の愛- | 生きましょう!















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Ignis 2 - Love of God that burns down our sin -

   The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)

   God loved his creatures so much as to give them what they wanted, even though they disobeyed His command. I wondered why He planted the tree of the knowledge while he was well aware that they would eat the fruit. However, had they stayed in the Garden of Eden, they might have stayed as children, without becoming the Bride of Jesus.


    I am black (because of my sin) and beautiful (by the grace of Lord) (Songs)


   Jesus said to them, “But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one. (Luke 22:36)


   This sword was later used to cut off the ear of the servant of a high priest. Why did Jesus tell them to buy a sword? The mystery was solved when I realized there was another way the disciples could have chosen.


   ”Let me take your (his) place”--- Mother Mary might have tried to protect Jesus, even though she knew who He was and what His mission was. That is why the Lord did not accompany Mother Mary there. That is why Jesus did not accompany Mother Mary to the prayer at Gethsemane where He prayed so hard that His sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground. Mother Mary could not have slept. (I’m amazed that we know how He prayed even though the disciples were all sleeping. Truly, for nothing is impossible with the Lord.)


   If you are take up a sword, you must know you may perish with the sword. I think Peter offered his life at that time though it was in a different way from the one Mother Mary took. I have once heard that those who have no courage to take up a sword are unable to perform true nonresistance. This time Peter took up the sword which turned out to be of no use for him later...


   Because of our sin, our Lord had his hands and feet nailed to the cross and speared on His side. Stigmata –. Gradually I have come to think if our Stigmata are our sin, our sin that binds ourselves on the cross.


I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners (Luke 5:32)


   When there is no way but ask our Lord for His mercy, when we learned how poor we were, or when we felt empty, I feel His love pours from the hole that is opened up by our sin. Our Almighty God used the sin we committed to call us back to Him! When we realize that, our sin may become our Stigmata.


   Then the Lord God said, “Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live forever!” (Genesis 3:22)


   I praise our Almighty God who gave us our sins (freedom) in His plan to make us the Bride. I fear Him and pray we would like to help each other on our journey to Him in this life, as He wishes us to in the hope for eternal life.


Lord, do not forget my sins.

All the goodness in me is yours. All that is mine are my sins.

Lord, so please do not forget my sins.

The mark of my sins that are purified by You, that is exactly your mark in me,

Your holy path that connects You and I

My Lord, please do not forget me who is nothing but I remain a sinner

(Oct 27, 2017)