The other day, I went to Mt. Takao with a friend.
Mt. Takao has several hiking trails. This time, we chose trail number 6.
The hike to the top was supposed to take around 90 minutes, but I guess we were going at a fast pace without realizing it and reached the top in less than an hour.
I was the one setting the pace; maybe I should have gone a bit more slowly and enjoyed the hike...
My friend planned everything, so I volunteered to be in charge of lunch.
My friend is German, and I was planning to make a "Japanese bento" with rice balls and rolled omelette since I thought this would be more unique and interesting, but I got lazy the day before and ended up prepping something much simpler -- a bagel sandwich, lol.
Smoked salmon and cream cheese! Capers and homemade pickled red onions to top it all off. I mixed in fresh dill and a squeeze of lemon juice into the cream cheese as well.
It was delicious (you can't go wrong with this combo), but I made a small mistake...
I had bought frozen smoked salmon and thought this would be perfect because it will naturally defrost as we hike...but I was so paranoid about the salmon going bad that I put it in a cooler bag with loads of ice packs. Given that it was also a pretty cool day and we arrived at the top much earlier than I had expected, the smoked salmon was still completely frozen when I opened it for lunch...
Thankfully, my friend is a really laid-back person who could see the humor in my shameful food fail. We waited a bit for the salmon to defrost, but even then, the texture was still a bit icy
I love smoked salmon, but I guess it's not really good to bring on a hike? Please let me know if you have any recommendations!
Have a lovely rest of your week!

