The other day, I met up with a friend who's originally from India and has lived in Japan for roughly 4 years. She recently decided to move back to India, so we had lunch together at a park to catch up.
Right now, my friend is apparently really into photography. She recently bought a camera lens for her smartphone and took a picture of me. It's an extreme close-up shot...

My friend worked in the IT sector for many years, but she's always had a passion for art and design. She's currently in her late 20s, but she decided to leave her stable job and go back to school to specialize in fine arts.
I told her it takes guts to make a choice like that, to which she replied with an easy smile, "Not really. Just doing what I want to do." Her words still stand out in my mind.
Many of the friends I have made in Japan are from overseas, and there have been a lot of them who have left Japan, particularly in the past 1-2 years.
In most cases, COVID had something to do with the decision. Some people realized that they want to change jobs or transfer after getting some time to think and reflect on what they truly want to do during the pandemic. Others realized they don't want to live so far away from their family and friends after being stuck in Japan for so long.
Due to the pandemic, our lifestyles, behaviors, and interactions with others have been severely restricted these past few years. I feel there are many people who realized what they truly want to do precisely because they could no longer do it. A lot of these hopes and dreams can be difficult to discern when we're so busy with our daily lives.
I have nothing but respect for my friend who did more than just talking about her ambitions and actually took action to achieve them.
友達がまた一人、日本を離れてしまうことは悲しいですが・・悲しい 彼女の成功を祈ります!
It's always a bummer when another friend leaves Japan but...I'm wishing for her continued success.
Also, this is totally unrelated, but I received some requests to resume the English audio files I used to provide in old blog posts where I read aloud the English parts. I don't know whether this is useful for anyone, but it's so easy to make, so I'll try my best to post audio files at the end of posts.
Have a safe and lovely weekend!

