Hi, how's your weekend so far?
Since the pandemic hit and I started making my own meals more often, I've been really into cooking.
ブランチの定番、エッグベネディクト (ゴードン・ラムゼイのレシピを使ってます)。
Eggs benedict, a brunch staple (I base mine off of Gordon Ramsey's recipe).
Hamburgers don't require much time or effort, so I eat them often. I prefer a very thick slice of tomato!
And the other day, I made pita bread from scratch for the first time. Inside, I put in grilled chicken, tomatoes, black olives, and lettuce.
白いドレッシングのようなものはギリシャ料理や中東料理によく使われる「Tzatziki Sauce」です。
The white dressing on top is tzatziki sauce, which is commonly used in Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine.
It's so easy to make! Just combine Greek yogurt, grated & drained cucumber, grated garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt & pepper. I make a TON of it at once and use it as a dressing on salads or on top of grilled meat for a refreshing bite.
If you like spices, I recommend a pinch of cayenne pepper for a kick of heat in your sauce.
I hope you enjoy a fantastic weekend!