Hey there! Having a good weekend so far?
Yesterday was Halloween.
Since arriving in Japan, almost every year on Halloween, I would wear a costume and go to a friend's Halloween party, but this year was "stay-at-home Halloween."
Even if we can't go outside, it's only once a year, so might as well celebrate! I borrowed my partner's Star Wars Jedi costume and fully got into the Halloween spirit!
↑Just missing a lightsaber...
At night, I tried making apple punch (recipe here - I used apple juice instead of cider)
And for dinner, I made stuffed peppers that look like pumpkins
This was super easy! I made my usual filling for stuffed peppers (ground chicken + onion + panko + egg + S&P), cut out eyes and mouths from the orange peppers, and stuffed the peppers with the filling. Then, I baked them in the oven (don't remember how long - maybe 30-40 min?) and for the last 5 minutes, I topped them with tomato sauce and cheese.
As my days of self-quarantine continue, these little moments like Halloween that take me out of my normal routine provide me a change of pace -- more than I expected.
Did you do anything for Halloween?
Enjoy your Sunday!