
Good morning!





Tokyo is getting colder, but how is everything going with you?





I haven’t posted in a while, but since we are a week away from the U.S. presidential elections and there’s a lot going on in my mind about it, I’d like to share my personal thoughts.





When looking at various polls, I see that a lot of the data projects Biden to be at an advantage, but given what happened in 2016, I can’t quite let my guard down...





Due to the impact of COVID-19, this year’s elections have seen a high number of early mail-in votes and absentee votes. Because these votes take longer to process and count, it is highly likely that we won’t immediately know the final result on election day.




一般的にアメリカでは、選挙日はオフィスでも家でもテレビをつけっぱなしにして、徐々に各州の結果を見ていき、夜寝る前には誰が大統領なのかがはっきりしているのですが、今年は集計に時間がかかるため「election day」ではなく「election week」、もしくは「election month」になり得るといわれています。

In general in the U.S., on election day, many people tend to keep the TV on all day in their offices and homes to watch live coverage of the vote counts of each state. By the time we go to sleep at night, we have a good idea of who is going to be our next president. However, this year, many are saying that we should be prepared for an election WEEK or MONTH instead of an election DAY.





Moreover, the Democrats have been pushing hard for voters to use mail-in ballots, and because various polls have shown that many youths, minorities, and low-income voters who traditionally support the Democratic party are opting to vote early via mail-in ballots, it is believed that many of the mail-in ballots are votes for Biden.





On the other hand, for months, Trump has continuously criticized mail-in ballots as a potential for election fraud, and many Republicans are avoiding mail-in voting to await election day and vote in person.





The first point to watch for during this election is the result of the following swing states on Nov 3: Florida, Arizona, Ohio, and North Carolina.





These states allow the counting of votes before election day, and it is expected that they will announce the mail-in ballot counts after polls close on Nov 3. In 2016, Trump won these states by a very small margin. It is quite likely that we will know the general election result by the end of election day (with the exception of Ohio, which counts mail-in ballots that are postmarked by Nov 3 as valid votes, so it is possible that Ohio will take a few extra days to count these).





In particular, Florida and North Carolina have already started processing the mail-in ballots from as early as September. If Biden wins these two states, a Democratic victory is close to certain, but if they fall to Trump, the winner becomes unclear.





The second point to watch is the result of the swing states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (which Trump won in 2016). In these states, the counting of absentee and mail-in ballots starts on Nov 3, which means it’s nearly impossible that all mail-in ballots will be counted by the time polls close. The in-person votes of Republican supporters, who are less likely to use mail-in ballots, will be counted first, and it will appear as though Trump has definitively won these states (the so-called “red mirage”).





In contrast, the mail-in ballots that benefit Biden will be counted after election day, and the votes will slowly trickle into the Biden side. After a few days, it is expected that Biden will win over Trump in these states (the so-called “blue shift”).





Additionally, the spotlight has mostly been on the presidential election, but the final point to watch for is the congressional elections. Currently, the Republicans hold the Senate and the Democrats hold the House, but it is widely projected that the Democrats will maintain control of the House.





Regarding the Senate, several think tanks have forecast that many Democratic candidates will win seats. Biden winning the presidency and the Democrats controlling both the Senate and the House is a scenario that is quite likely. In such a case, this will make an America that is completely different from what she has been these past four years.





What in the world will happen on Nov 3? I sent in my absentee ballot a while ago, so all I can do now is wait.





By the way, I will be on my usual morning show on the 5th, but for 3 hours from 5am to 8am. I hope to discuss the post-election state of the U.S. in depth!





Please take care, everyone!