A belated Happy New Year to you all!
How do you reflect on the previous year and set your new year resolutions?

今年は友達に勧められて、Year Compassという、2012年にハンガリーで生まれ、現在は39カ国語に訳されている年間計画ブックレットを使ってみました。
At the recommendation of a friend, this year, I tried using a yearly planning booklet called Year Compass, which was made in Hungary in 2012 and has now been translated into 39 languages.
In the 20-page booklet, there are various questions, and it asks that you take your time answering each one.
The first half has questions that help you reflect on the past year from different perspectives.
The second half has questions that help you set your wishes, hopes, and goals for the new year.
On the first page, the booklet advises that it will take at least 3 hours for you to complete everything, which I didn't believe...but by the time I finished, I realized that I had taken about 4 hours!
It was pretty difficult trying to remember all of the specific events of the past year, and the whole experience definitely required a lot of concentration and energy. But by the time I finished, I felt refreshed, and I think I was able to set clearer goals for this year compared to other years.
興味のある方はこちらから日本語版の冊子をダウンロードできます: https://yearcompass.com/jp/
If you're interested, you can download the Japanese version via the link above.
Have a good rest of the week!
PS - No audio file for this post, sorry!