Hey! How's your week so far?

I know this is quite sudden to ask, but do you have anything you want to do or achieve before you die?

Have you ever written these things down and made them into a list?

英語では「死ぬこと」を「kick the bucket (バケツを蹴る)」と表現し、「死ぬ前にやりたいことリスト」を「バケット(バケツ)リスト (bucket list)」と言います。

In English, we say "kick the bucket" as a euphemism meaning "to die," and we call the list of things we want to do before we leave this earth a "bucket list."


For several years, I've been keeping track of my bucket list in an excel sheet.

Since 2019 is almost coming to an end, I recently opened the sheet for the first time in a while, and I thought about what I want to achieve in 2020.

I've written the things I want to do before I die and sorted them by category, such as "hobby" and "job." I realized that "travel" is the most numerous category.



南アフリカ・ポート・エリザベス (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)



イラク・カンディル山脈 (Qandil Mountains, Iraq)




Up until a few years ago, about 4 to 5 times a year, I traveled overseas or backpacked to countries I'd never visited before. But recently, my work and my life have been so busy that I've become satisfied with just a once-a-year overseas trip.




イラク・アルビール (Erbil, Iraq)



モロッコ・マラケッシュ (Marrakesh, Morocco)



モロッコ・ラバト (Rabat, Morocco)





But looking back, by visiting countries I'd never visited before, I was able to come into touch with different kinds of cultures, values, and customs, and I had various realizations through these precious experiences.




カイロで食べたエジプトの国民食「コシャリ」 (Koshari, the national food of Egypt, that I ate in Cairo)



カナダ・ハリファックス (Halifax, Canada)



フィリピン・ダバオ (Davao, Philippines)





I met many different people, and while I felt the kindness of strangers, I also met bad people and learned about "human malice," and I grew as a result.




デンマーク・コペンハーゲン (Copenhagen, Denmark)



インドネシア・トバ湖 (Lake Toba, Indonesia)



スペイン・バルセロナ (Barcelona, Spain)





When I was able to travel halfway around the world on a cruise ship for a TV program, I was able to meet many travelers, most of whom were retirees.





During the interviews, many of them said, "I wish I had traveled the world when I was younger."





When I asked "Why?", they gave various reasons.





Particularly memorable were such reasons as: "I can learn about completely different lifestyles and cultures, which causes me to change my own way of living," "I can improve my communication skills," and "By escaping my daily life, I can discover strengths of mine that I had never been able to see before."





Through traveling, I can get inspired and find new possibilities and options, and by seeing the outside world, I can take another good look at the world I know with fresh eyes.





I've decided! I'm going to travel more next year.




What is on your bucket list?




