Happy Thursday!





Thank you as always for your comments. It was very interesting to read them.





"Japan is a 'village society,' and Japanese people are collectivist." Though this idea continues to exist in the background, perhaps this stereotype is changing.





The U.S. is often characterized as an individualistic society, but today, as the country is experiencing political, economic, and social instability, there is a stronger tendency for people to seek harmony and congruence with others and form groups.





As we enter an era of massive transformations, the characteristics of a nation's citizens are changing, but will the values and historical, social, and cultural ideas that are at their root evolve -- and should they? I want to continue to think about this.





On a different note, the other day, I declared that I will read one book every week, but work has been busy, and I've realized that this pace is not feasible.





So I changed my goal to "read 2 books every month," and I started reading this book yesterday.







Why are there people who succeed and people who cannot exert their full potential, despite their hard work? This book introduces the keys to success while analyzing various factors.





In particular, the author, Malcolm Gladwell, does not emphasize "IQ" or "talent." Instead, he asserts the importance of "culture," "environment," and "opportunity." He refers to various cases and quotes the latest research results, so his argument is persuasive.





I've read Gladwell's "Blink" in the past. His writing is technical yet easy to understand, so I'm looking forward to continuing to read it.





Well, I hope you all have a good day today!







  1. Read the room: 直訳すると、「部屋を読む」ですが、メタファーに近いので、外にいても使えなくはないのですが、ある一定の空間について言う場合が多いです。「身の回りの雰囲気を確認する」というニュアンスです。(You should read the room and adjust your presentation accordingly.)
  2. Read between the lines: 「行の間を読む」という意味ですが、特定の相手が言葉では表していない思いを読む、ということになります。 (I tried to read between the lines to understand what he truly wanted.)
  3. Take a hint: カジュアルな表現です。「雰囲気からヒントを得る・感じ取る」というニュアンスです。 (Hey, take a hint! Everyone is feeling uncomfortable because of what you said.)
  4. Read the atmosphere: 「atmosphere = 雰囲気」なので、表現としては一番近いと思いますが、私の感覚ではあまり頻繁に使われないです。全く使われないわけでもないですし、使っても大体の意味は伝わりますが、1~3のほうが自然です。



I hope this helps!




