Happy hump day!





It suddenly got so cold, huh?





Now, onto the topic in mind - lately, I've been thinking about the English in this blog.





Originally, I started writing this blog in both Japanese and English to study Japanese.






The process usually goes like this: I first write whatever is on my mind in Japanese, then I switch to English mode and write my thoughts in English, then finally, I check the flow and content of the post in my native English.

(By the way, the English isn't a completely literal translation. I refer to the Japanese text, but I add or omit words when writing the English to ensure that the English is natural and flows well while retaining the original nuance).





After starting to write in both Japanese and English a few years back, I have occasionally received comments from readers stating that this blog is helpful for studying English. I've been thrilled that this blog has been able to serve such a purpose for these readers.





I work at a company called SparkDojo that provides global communication training programs. There, I'm in charge of designing and developing programs and new products.








Through this work, I've realized that many Japanese people find listening to be difficult and that this is due to the following reasons:

(1) they remember words visually

(2) they memorize English words by associating them with the respective Japanese translations

(3) before completely mastering the various meanings and uses of easy and frequently used words, they rush to study difficult words that are not as commonly used in daily conversations






For example, take the word "theme."




私はとある方に「The theme of this book is love」と私、自分の好きな本について説明をしていました。

I was talking to someone and explaining to him about a book that I like, saying, "The theme of this book is love."




その方は「Once more?」と聞き、私は同じ文章を繰り返しましたが、二回聞いても「theme」というワードを聞き取ることができない。

He asked me, "Once more?", so I repeated the same sentence. But even after hearing it twice, he could not catch the word "theme."





He could've tried to hear it again, but instead, he gave up easily and asked, "How do you spell it?" He wrote down the spelling and after confirming the word with his eyes, he was finally able to recognize the word.





Furthermore, after I told him the pronunciation of "theme," he wrote down the sounds in katakana.. 





Since Japanese doesn't have the /TH/ sound, his memo had /S/ instead of /TH/, and the /M/ at the end had an extra vowel /U/ after it, which means that he was starting with the wrong sound information while re-remembering this word...which in turn means that the next time he hears "theme," there is a very low chance that he would be able to recognize the word, and in fact, he may mistaken it for "seam" or "seem."






After learning to recognize the word, I asked this person to make a sentence using the word "theme."




その方が作った文章は「My theme for the future is listening.」

The sentence that he made was: My theme for the future is listening.




彼は「theme (English) = テーマ (日本語)」と、英語と日本語を関連付け、方程式のように覚えてしまっていて、頭の中で「私の今後のテーマはリスニングだ」という文章を直訳しました。

He associated the English word "theme" with the Japanese word "テーマ", memorizing this like an equation. He literally translated the Japanese sentence he formed in his head: 私の今後のテーマはリスニングだ.




日本語では「テーマ」という単語には、「行動、創作や議論の根本的意図・題目・中心課題」という意味がありますが、英語の「theme」は同様に使うことができませんし、伝わりません(この場合、「I need to work on my listening next」や「My focus from now on will be listening」などの方がわかりやすいです…このように、直訳に頼ってしまうと、可能な表現の幅も狭くなります)。

In Japanese, the word "テーマ" possesses the meaning of: "the fundamental aim, subject, or central issue of an action, creation, or discussion." However, the English "theme" cannot be used in a similar way, as it won't be understood (in this case, the idea would be easier to understand if he had said "I need to work on my listening next" or "My focus from now on will be listening"...in this way, direct and literal translations limits .the range of possible expressions).





そしてさらに、「theme」という単語には「the main subject or idea」という意味の他、「particular style」という意味もあります。

In addition, besides meaning "the main subject or idea," the word "theme" can also mean "particular style."

  • We went to an Irish theme pub. (theme: style)
  • My bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme. (theme: style)




Another example that can be raised is the word "run," which seems like such an easy word but actually has a lot of different meanings and uses.

  • I like to run with my dog in the mornings. (run: to jog, to move your legs quickly)
  • I need to run to the convenience store. (run: to go somewhere quickly)
  • My mother runs a successful marketing company. (run: to manage)
  • Trump is running for president. (run: to try to be elected in an election)
  • The local news ran a story about me. (run: to broadcast)
  • The doctor needs to run some tests. (run: to conduct)


「run = 走り」と関連付けて覚えてしまっていて、さらに「run」の他の意味や使われ方を知らないと、何を言っているのかわからなかったり、ミスコミュニケーションが生じたりすることもあると思います。

If you have memorized "run" as "走る" by association, and furthermore, if you don't know the other meanings and uses of "run," you may not understand what the other person is saying, or miscommunications may occur.








Considering the above, if your goal is to converse in English, then the way to efficiently strengthen your listening skills and vocabulary involves the following:

(1) Aurally remember English words

(2) Intuitively understand their meanings

(3) Master all of the meanings and uses of the basic words that are most frequently used.





And (finally) we come to the main topic! I would like to introduce my recommended training method for those of you who use this blog for English training.






First, read the Japanese text and make sure you understand the content and flow to a certain extent.




From now on, if circumstances allow, I am planning to upload an audio file of me reading aloud the English parts into the blog posts (you can find the audio file for this post at the bottom). As such, the next step is to listen to the audio file. For beginners, simply focus on the "sounds" to get accustomed to the rhythm and use of pitch that are unique to English. For intermediate to advanced learners, focus on picking up the "words" (especially content words).




Read the English text while listening to the audio file. When doing this, I recommend that you read the text aloud, as if you are shadowing (this is because while you are training your listening, at the same time, you can also train your mouth/tongue muscles, as well as your ability to speak with good rhythm).




If there are any words or expressions that you don't know, stop yourself from immediately checking the Japanese text. As much as possible, try to research the words/expressions in an English-English dictionary and confirm the example sentences and other meanings of the words.



My recommended English-English dictionaries:


Finally, it is even more effective if you make sentences using the words you looked up and write a story. Not only will you remember the words by associating them with certain images or feelings and save them as knowledge, but you will also be able to train your ability to apply the knowledge.




The points to keep in mind when researching words that you don't know are:

  • 知らない単語・表現を全て調べるのではなく、自分が使ってみたいと思う、実際に使えそうな単語だけをピックアップする。
Don't look up every single word/expression that you don't know. Only choose the ones that you want to try to use and will actually have opportunities to use.
  • どうしても英英辞典だけではわからない場合は、英和辞典を使い、そこからまた英英辞典を確認し、自分でいくつか文章を作ってみて感覚的に単語を覚える。

If you feel that using an English-English dictionary is too challenging, you can confirm the meaning using an English-Japanese dictionary first, then confirm the meaning in an English-English dictionary. Then, make a few sentences using the word on your own so that you can intuitively remember the meaning of the word.






This post has gotten quite long, but because there seems to be some people who use this blog for their English training, and recording/uploading audio files is no big deal for me, I hope that this will be useful for some of you, even if it's just a little bit!





For me as well, recording my voice is a new endeavor that is exciting for me.




ちなみに、SparkDojo Blogでも英語トレーニングやグローバルマインドセットに関する記事がいくつかあるので、興味のある方は是非見てみてください。

By the way, we also have some articles on our SparkDojo Blog about English training and global mindset, so please take a look if you're interested.




それでは…I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!




