Happy weekend!





How have you been spending your weekend so far?





Sundays are my only days off, but the day usually goes by very quickly as I clean, do grocery shopping, and do meal prep for the week...





It's been a challenge to fully rest my body and mind. But recently, a friend who lives in San Francisco suggested that I should try "dopamine fasting," which apparently is the new Silicon Valley trend.





Oh boy...yet another "fasting" fad. It reminds me of when intermittent fasting was all the rage in the U.S. (especially in Silicon Valley).




This concept of "dopamine fasting" has apparently been trending since this summer among Silicon Valley venture capitalists and tech executives. According to San Francisco psychologist Dr. Cameron Sepah, who is reportedly the one who started this trend, "dopamine fasting" involves controlling behaviors that stimulate the brain as much as possible and abstaining from dopamine to reset the brain.





Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that triggers happiness and pleasure, and it is apparently strongly related to the reward pathway of the nervous system. According to Dr. Sepah, on average, Americans come into contact with media and technology for over 11 hours every day, so they are constantly encountering stimulation that in turn releases dopamine.





If one is is a state of constant over-stimulation, there is a chance that one's sensitivity to dopamine is dulled (tolerance is increased). To experience the same effects, one must increase the strength of the stimulation, resulting in addiction (according to Dr. Sepah).





From a neuroscience perspective, it is said that dopamine isn't a switch that can simply be turned on and off, and it's not directly related to "pleasure."Dr. Sepah has also explained that it is not possible to completely abstain from dopamine just by changing behaviors, so in actuality, he emphasizes that "dopamine fasting" is actually about controlling problematic behaviors that are fueled by addictions, such as limiting your use of technology.





Well then, "dopamine fasting" is quite the misnomer...





The name is quite misleading, so it seems that people are interpreting it in their own way, such as "dopamine fasting is about completely shutting out all things and behaviors that provide pleasure or stimulation."





According to this BBC article, in addition to avoiding social media and technology, some people are completely abstaining from eating, sexual activities, and conversations with other people. Some are even avoiding eye contact with others, believing that this provides stimulation and therefore releases dopamine.





"Social media addiction" is a term that is increasingly being used, and doing too much of anything is usually bad. It seems like this is just another fad...common sense is being added onto "fasting" and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are taking it to the extreme.




ニュースバリューとしてはかなり低いんですが、New York Timesまでもが取り上げているということは、シリコンバレーというのが最先端の技術だけではなく、新しい働き方や生き方を生む発祥地という認識が未だに強いからなんでしょうね。

This whole trend has very low news value, but given that NYT has also done a feature story on dopamine fasting, it shows that there is still a strong recognition that Silicon Valley is the birthplace of not only the most advanced technologies, but also new and innovative ways of working and living.





I can't say that I'm "fasting" from technology, but I'm trying to be mindful of reducing the stimulation I get from technology.





In the past, I always played with my smartphone right before going to bed, but recently, I've started meditating on my bed for 10 minutes before going to sleep. By sitting quietly in a space of nothingness and letting my thoughts run free, I'm able to reflect on the day's events and organize my mind.





It's just 10 minutes, but when all stimuli are suddenly eliminated, there's nothing you can do but face yourself. At times, I feel a pang of "fear" when doing this. I understand that it is important to know yourself and converse with yourself, but sometimes, I feel afraid that I'm going to unearth something I don't like if I dig too deep into my mind.





I wonder what would happen if I suddenly try fasting from all stimuli for a day. In my case, I think I'll go crazy. If I don't have some external stimuli, I feel I won't be able to have a sense of myself.





Have any of you ever fasted from dopamine, technology, social media, etc.?




Hope you have a lovely Sunday!