Hi all, how's your Saturday going?





So recently, there's been something that's been on my mind. Not necessarily a problem, but just something I've been mulling on.





Is it good that you sleep in the same bed as your partner? Can you maintain a healthy relationship without sleeping together?





My partner is a light sleeper and wakes up from my slightest movements.





Most days, I have an earlier morning, and despite the fact that I try really hard not to disturb him while I quietly get out of bed, 95% of the time, I cause him to wake up.





In contrast, I'm like a Snorlax in that I can sleep anytime, anywhere, and even if I'm woken up, I can quickly fall asleep again.





So recently, we started sleeping in different beds. As a result, we have both enjoyed good sleeps.





My rational mind understands that sleeping separately is a practical solution, but I do feel that it is a bit lonely at times, and that sleeping in the same bed symbolizes closeness. So, I've been thinking about this topic.





According to a 2010. survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation in the U.S., 30% of the respondents said that they were either sleeping separately or they wanted to sleep separately.





However, even if they are sleeping separately, 41.1% responded that they would not share this information with family or friends.




この調査では「sleep divorce (睡眠離婚)」というフレーズが紹介されていましたが、やっぱり「別々に寝る=不仲?」という世間のイメージが強いのでしょうか。

This study introduced the phrase "sleep divorce," implying that society's view that "sleeping separately = bad relationship" is perhaps still strong.





For me, I don't really care about society's view, but rather, the impact it could have on my relationship.





Even just a quick Google search brings up studies that have shown sleeping together is better, as well as studies that have shown that sleeping separately is the key to a good marriage, and it appears there are many different psychological, physiological, etc. views on this topic.





I do understand that at the end of the day, each couple has to find their own solution that fits their needs and situation, but still, it's hard to figure out what that is. When we were sleeping together, we would share what we're doing the next day, discuss the smallest details of our day, or take the opportunity to make up after having a fight.






There were discussions that we were able to have precisely because we were laying together in quiet darkness, with no distractions like our smartphones.





When I write my thoughts out like this, I want to say that it's better if we sleep together. But sleep is so important to our quality of life, so the right choice, I think, is to prioritize my partner's quality of sleep.





What do you think?




Have a wonderful weekend!もみじ