Hello! Long time no talk...
How are you all?
Soooo...what's new with me?
As always, I'm constantly running around and keeping myself busy...my company is doing well, and I'm grateful that every day I can freely do work that I enjoy.
Our quarterly team-building - this time around, we went bowling, which we haven't done in a while. My muscles were so sore the next day, sob.
I was able to get days off a few times this year, so I went to South Korea for the first time, as well as back to the states to my home in New Jersey.
The backyard of my family home. Apparently, a family of deer often visits our yard recently.
Despite coming back to the states for the first time in about a year or so, we still ended up having a "hand-rolls & sake tasting" party, hah.
I also went to Hudson Yards along the Hudson River in NYC, which just opened last year.

There are high-end shopping malls and restaurants here, but the highlight of the area is this massive structure called the "Vessel."
This piece is said to have received much criticism from both architecture critics and local New Yorkers, and I too think it lacks depth, is gaudy, and is even kind of thoughtless, but after seeing how many of the tourists were taking selfies and uploading their pics on social media, I also felt that such a structure does symbolize our era today.
I say this as if I'm so high and mighty, but the truth is, I was SO quick to take a selfie...
And I'm going to Melbourne next month, so looking forward to that as well! First time in Australia!
さらに、健康面では、夏にFitbit Charge 3を購入し、毎日10000歩と、睡眠時間は最低6時間を目指してますニコ
In terms of my health, I bought a Fitbit Charge 3, and I'm aiming for 10,000 steps and 6 hours of sleep each day.
It analyzes sleep patterns and measures your heart rate 24/7, and you can therefore easily reevaluate your lifestyle habits; it's quite fun to use.
In terms of what I've been eating, I've been on a "high protein/low carb" meal plan since September, and my body feels much lighter and more energetic! Plus, I've lost some KGs...
I think that's all that's been new with me...
あ、そして最後になりますが!今週からTOKYO FM「高橋みなみのこれから、何する?」(13:00~14:55)の月曜日パートナーを担当させて頂きますラブ 
Oh, and lastly! Starting this week, I'll be co-hosting a TOKYO FM program every Monday from 1pm to 2:55pm, so please give it a listen!
This got quite long, but I do hope to semi-regularly continue to post on this blog, so I hope you continue to read it!
Have a good night!