Hi all, how's your week going?
This is a few days ago, but this year, I was again able to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Some members of our company gathered to cook food together, and we had a lovely dinner and night.
A snowman made from mashed potatoes...
We had chicken instead of turkey.
Smothered in the sweet and slightly tart cranberry sauce.
I was in charge of making the cocktails!
秋ということで、Stone Wall(ラム酒・ジンジャー・アップルサイダー)やManzarita(テキーラ・アップルジュース・シナモン・レモン汁)などを作ったのですが、お気に入りはKimchi Bloody Maryでした。
Since it's fall, I made the Stone Wall (rum, ginger, apple cider) and Manzarita (tequila, apple juice, cinnamon, lemon juice). But my absolute favorite was the Kimchi Bloody Mary.
I added kimchi brine, soy sauce, and wasabi to the standard Bloody Mary recipe!
これがピリッと辛くて美味しいんですよデレデレ お勧めです。
There was a perfect amount of spiciness and bite to the drink. I highly recommend it!
The head chef was Zia, who is originally from Trinidad and Tobago.
She was understandably exhausted after finishing all the cooking...
In the U.S., there is a custom during Thanksgiving dinner that involves going around the table to announce whom and what each person is thankful for.
例えば、「I'm thankful for my health and that of my family (自分と家族の健康に感謝).」 or 「I'm grateful to my friends for always helping me (いつも助けてくれる友達に感謝).」
Personally, I'm thankful for my family, friends, and the life I have now.
What are you thankful for this year?