Hi guys! Happy Monday. How was your weekend?
私は日曜日は予定を入れず、たまにやってる「NO PC or スマホDAY」でした。本を読んだり家を掃除したり、完全オフライン生活を一日だけですが満喫しました照れ
I didn't schedule anything for Sunday, and instead, made it a "NO PC of Smartphone DAY." I read books, cleaned my house, and enjoyed a completely offline day.
So, I have a quick announcement.
私の会社、SparkDojoが新しいイベント企画 ”SPOTLIGHT” を開催します。
My company SparkDojo is organizing a new event series called "SPOTLIGHT."
We cast spotlights from various different angles and perspectives to tackle Japan's most deep-rooted issues and try to find new solutions. The event is unique in that we invite panelists who are experts of fields that are not directly related to the issue, and instead of participants simply listening to what the panelists have to say, everyone works together to find new solutions through an interactive and open discussion.

The first issue we are tackling is "chronic overwork". Panelists include a partner from a strategic consulting firm, an entrepreneur in the food and tourism industry, and others. I will be joining as a moderator.
Details can be found here. The event will primarily be in English. If you are interested, please stop by!
PS: This is my first time dying my hair in such a bright color, so I'm still surprised every time I look in the mirror.
Have a good Monday night!