Hi guys, having a good weekend so far?
A photo I took when I went back to the states the other day. 1 World Trade Center (formerly known as the Freedom Tower) in NYC.

This was my first time visiting Ground Zero after 9/11.
For a long time, I avoided going there.
But it's been 17 years since 9/11, and I knew I would have to go at least once in my life, so this time, I went to the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum with my family.
Outside the museum, there were so many people, and children were running around shouting gleefully and chasing each other.
There were people who were taking pictures with big smiles and a peace sign, and I saw a child point at one of the names inscribed onto the parapets in the Memorial and laughingly say "This man's name is weird!"
To me, 9/11 is still a traumatic event - I can remember that day in a blink of an eye. But after so many months and years have passed, I suppose to many people, it is just one more page in the history books.
But seeing these things did break my heart and boil my blood.
I remembered the day I went to the Holocaust Memorial and Museum in Berlin with some friends, and how angry my Jewish friend got when we came across a group of boisterous young Americans who were noisily taking selfies and fooling around in the compound.
To the left, you can see the actual concrete wall of the B2 floor of the World Trade Center.
What surprised me was that there were several recording booths like the one below at the end of the museum tour.
The room is completely closed off, and there are prompts that ask about how 9/11 changed your life; your responses are recorded as a video.
They are apparently collecting data about the impact of 9/11 on people and their lives.
I was able to voice my unfiltered feelings and thoughts that I've never really spoken out loud into words before, so I felt like I shed some unseen burden afterward.
Please consider visiting the 911 memorial if you are ever going to NYC.
We wandered around downtown Manhattan afterward.
Dinner was at the Grand Central Oyster Bar Restaurant.
Happy hour! Love super dry martinis...
We continued to wander around Manhattan...
Feeling like we can eat a bit more, we entered an izakaya of all places...
I ordered edamames and agedashi-tofu, which I can get basically anytime, anywhere in Tokyo...
Happens a lot while traveling, right? After a few days, you long for the taste you're accustomed to.
Anyways. 今日はBBQに行ってきます!
What are your plans this weekend? Have a splendid Sunday!