Hi there!
I've returned to Japan a little while ago.
I had been back in New Jersey at my family home during the first two weeks of October, and while there, we went up to a village called Nyack in New York State over the weekend to see a street fair.

This is America all right. Streets were closed off using big trucks.
On our way home, we stopped by a frozen yogurt (froyo) store! Froyos are super popular in the states, but for some reason, they haven't really taken off in Japan...
You can choose different flavors and toppings and mix them into your cup on your own.
Your cup is weighed, then you pay accordingly.
If you ever have the chance to go to NY, I suggest that you stop by Nyack!
It's a bit out of the way, but it's a quaint, small town full of great restaurants and antique stores.
Have a lovely night!