Happy Valentine's Day!

Long time no talk...(*cue awkward turtle*カメ)

I only recently realized how big of a holiday Valentine's day is over here, after I started living in Japan.

It's also quite a popular day in the states, but how we celebrate it is quite different, so today, I'd like to write about the differences between Valentine's Day in Japan vs the U.S.

Couples exchange gifts, or men give their girlfriends/wives gifts

This is probably the biggest difference.

In Japan, I've observed that the dominant trend is for women to give chocolates to men, but since there is no day like "White Day" in the West, we usually exchange gifts.

Valentine's is a day to reaffirm your love...it's a day for couples, both new and old, to confirm their devotion to each other, so it is most common to exchange gifts and cards regardless of gender.

②WHAT IS 義理チョコ?!


I was flabbergasted when I first came to Japan and learned of the existence of giri (duty/obligation) chocolates.



In the U.S., we only give gifts to our one and only, so this custom (and the societal pressure to give to others) does not exist.

I saw many of my Japanese girl friends buying dozens of chocolates to give to their bosses, male colleagues, and others. As much as I was impressed at how far Japan goes with its collective emphasis on "consideration for others" and "cooperation/social harmony", I was also saddened to see such a custom. Just one day a year, can't women here just focus their energy and time on the one person they want to profess their love to?!

The first year I started working in this industry, for once, I took care to follow this Japanese custom of women giving men Valentine's Day chocolates and gave some preeetty nice (read: expensive) chocolates to some people from my agency, senpai, etc. that have been good to me. BUT White Day came around and went...with me not getting anything in return.

"F@!# THIS!", I said (lol). It's unfair that women have to take the initiative and risk not getting anything in return for their investment, with men not having as much social pressure or moral obligation to give something in return. After this experience, 


Though we don't have giri chocolates in the U.S., many people do send cards to their friends and family.



In recent years, more people are doing this via e-cards instead of actual cards.

More often then not, we exchange gifts that aren't chocolate

In my experience, the most common way to celebrate Valentine's Day was to reserve a table at a restaurant we always wanted to try and enjoy the evening there.

Once a became an adult, my chocolate-giving and -receiving days were over.

Valentine's Day cards are ubiquitous. Other common gifts are roses, stuffed animals, jewelry, and lingerie. 


This is my hypothesis, but in the U.S., Valentine's Day is a huge deal, so each student has to give chocoaltes and cards to every single one of his/her classmates, making it a somewhat stressful and burdensome holiday that involved a lot of menial work. From this experience, I and probably a lot of Americans associate chocolate-giving as something they were forced to do as a kid, which is why I tend to veer away from chocolate on V-Day.


According to data released by the National Retail Foundation, last year, around 54% of Americans celebrated V-Day, of which 20% spent money on jewelry. Over 200 million cards were sold and 250 million roses were produced.



さらに、最近人気なのが「gift of experience」という、体験型のプレゼント。

Furthermore, in recent years, "gifts of experience" have become quite popular.




Examples would be gifting your significant other concert tickets, going to Disneyland together, or watching a romantic movie at a theatre.




Instead of chocolates, which ultimately disappear in the depths of your stomach and are thus quickly forgotten, gifts of experience become wonderful memories to look back on years later, perhaps making the latter better gifts.




So, the above three points are the major differences between V-Day in Japan versus U.S.




How are you going to spend Valentine's Day?!




On the last V-Day of my 20s, I will be going to work and going on AbemaPrime tonight (yay!...but also sob)



Have a splendid Valentine's Day! Much love to you all - mwah! ちゅー