Hello everyone!




Thank you for all your comments on this blog and on Twitter.




My perspective has broadened by reading all of your comments. I was introduced to different ways of thinking.




Thank you, as always :)




So, the topic for Mondays is "English learning."




Today, I'd like to talk about the ability to "become" something or someone.




When I am on Japanese television, I am often told by others that I should "try to be more American."




Apparently, being "American" means to aggressively come forward, cut in when others are talking, and occasionally get into arguments.




Of course, I was born in the U.S. and lived there for 25 years, so at my core, I'm a strong-willed, self-centered, narcissistic American. As the daughter of immigrants who never went through the college application process in the states, I had to be "American" to get into schools like Brown and Harvard.




But I'm not here on television just to make money. I originally came to Japan to genuinely get to know my motherland, as well as broaden my horizons and strengthen my identity as a Japanese woman.




So, to me, it was key that I "become" Japanese and act and speak like a Japanese person in order to improve my Japanese.




When I first came to Japan at the end of 2014, my Japanese was absolutely horrendous.




Because I had not spoken hardly any Japanese during the eight years I was in college, grad school, and working at a company, my intonation was terrible, my sentences and word choice were unnatural, and above all, I lacked the confidence to speak in Japanese.




As a result, I researched beforehand the banks in Tokyo that had English-speaking personnel before I went to open a bank account, and my first apartment in Japan was rented through a real estate company that catered specifically to non-Japanese tenants.




Those first few months in Japan, I was still American at heart and in my mind, and I was halfway toward giving up my Japanese studies.




Despite the fact that I yearned to "know Japan" and "improve my Japanese," I would get frustrated when no one at city hall could speak English. I would hang out with non-Japanese friends and rowdily make a commotion on the streets of Tokyo. Even after entering Watanabe Comedy School, I was vocally disgruntled about the fact that we had to "stand up/bow/sit down" at the beginning of every lesson, and I would sit shamelessly sit with legs crossed (although I still do this now...).




My way of thinking changed drastically once I began appearing on Japanese television.




I have things I want to stay. My audience is Japanese people. I realized that no one will listen to me if I spoke in my "American" way, as if I was talking to an American audience.




Once I came to this realization, I began to study people on television or the people around me to take notes on how to speak and act like a Japanese person.




How do they see the world around them? When they want to contradict someone, what do they say and how do they say it? How fast do they speak? How do they greet others? What is their body language when they greet others?




Of course, I'm still far from perfect. But once I started to think and act like a Japanese, I was able to talk more smoothly than before. And above all, my confidence increased.




This was quite a roundabout introduction, but what I want to say is that acquiring a language involves not just being able to speak the language, but also learning the perspectives, mannerisms, and mindset of those who speak that language.




So! Finally, my main point! To all those who are learning English!




English is actually a very broad field. I would recommend that you first choose a subset of this field.




In this big, wide world of ours, there are many types of English, such as American English, British English, and Singaporean English. Each one is different in terms of linguistics, prosody, and culture.




Once you choose an English type, try to watch videos of speakers who speak that English and really try to study them.




How do they speak? (intonation, pitch changes, speed, volume control, etc.)




What words do they use? (listening cues, greeting, how to say yes/no, idioms, etc.)




How do they behave? (posture, how to sit or stand, body language, facial expression, etc.)




Study them, copy them, and try to "become" them.




If you find that suddenly trying to become an English speaker is too difficult, I recommend trying this first with a Japanese dialect that you are unfamiliar with, such as Osaka dialect of Tsugaru dialect. Study them, copy them, and become then -- just like monomane!




It's pretty fun to do, and I guarantee you that you'll discover things about the language you had never known before.




Please do try this out!




All right, I'm out for today...



Have a lovely Monday!




