
(注:英語版にはswear words(ちょっと汚い言葉)を使っています)


Have you ever heard of a YouTuber called Logan Paul?


He's been making headlines lately.

Boasting over 15 million followers who are mainly young children and teens overseas, Logan is said to be one of the most up-and-coming YouTubers.


He is well known for his overly wild - and what some may say excessive - stunts and pranks.


A video that he posted on Dec. 31 triggered a massive wave of criticism, and he's been in the midst of controversy since.



So, what did this asshole do exactly? What he did was, he went to Aokigahara Forest at the base of Mt. Fuji with his team, and when he encountered a corpse of a man who appeared to have committed suicide, he decided to keep shooting and ultimately uploaded the entire video.

After reporting to the police, this prick apparently chuckled and made a joke with his friends about the corpse. The entire ordeal triggered this controversy, with even Hollywood celebrities also disparaging him as "inappropriate" "disrespectful of Japan and its people," and "disrespectful toward the family of the deceased."

This has made news in Japan, yes, but the coverage overseas is much greater. In particular, in the states, this controversy has been reported by television, newspapers, and online media, and it has incited a debate on the accountability of video-sharing sites like YouTube.

By the way, the video in question has already been deleted, and Paul has issued an apology video on Jan 1st.

He reportedly stated that his intention was to spread awareness about suicide and suicide prevention.


Logan Paul is a successful YouTuber who is said to make millions each year. It genuinely astounds me that despite knowing the amount of influence he has over his viewers, many of whom are children and youths, Paul decided to shoot a video showing the corpse at different angles and upload it in its entirety (it doesn't matter if the face of the man was blurred or not).

If he truly wanted to raise awareness for suicide prevention, there was absolutely no need for him to show the corpse. All he had to do was talk about his experience and how he felt at a different location; it would have been just as powerful and impactful, if that's what he was actually going for.

My rage towards this man increased when I watched the two other videos that he took while in Japan.





He runs around Asakusa like a fucking lunatic. Sticks a GoPro into a pond with koi fish. Starts rough-housing with his friend at the Shibuya crossing, flinging around a raw fish and octopus leg he bought at the Tsukiji market earlier in the day.


In the video, Logan mutters that "Japanese people are so nice."

But I highly doubt that the Japanese people who were there when he was taking this video thought his actions to be appropriate.

In fact, in Asakusa, he was asked to leave by a policeman because he was shooting videos without permission and making a ruckus next to people who were trying to pray.

But the policeman kept on talking to Logan in Japanese, even though he obviously speaks zero Japanese. In the end, there was a shot of the Japanese security guy Logan hired coming in between them and trying to sort things out.

To Logan Paul, very few Japanese people got angry with him or urged him to stop, causing him to come to the erroneous conclusion that Japanese people are kind. Even if someone does say something to him, it's in a foreign language that sounds way less confrontational than English.

Japanese people are grossly misconstrued, don't you think?

This reminded me of something that happened when I was shopping at Tokyo Foodshow in Shibuya the other day.

This supermarket is always so crowded, and the narrow aisles definitely don't help. The last time I went there, there was a group of Italian tourists standing smack dab in the middle of the aisle, eating the buns they just bought.

They were obviously in the way, and people around them were muttering, "they've got no manners." But no one did the obvious thing to do -- go up to them and say "Hey, you're in the way."

If a Japanese person was doing something like that, the people around them would pounce on him/her in an instant.

Japanese people are strict and vocal when it's one of them, but they don't -- or more accurately, can't -- say anything when facing non-Japanese people.


With this Logan Paul controversy, the angriest people should be the Japanese. Right? Here's this rude American douchebag, coming into our country and stomping into a sensitive area, then desecrating one of our people. Setting aside the fact that some people may not have heard of this news), I'm sure there are plenty of Japanese people who are furious, but their rage is not expressed beyond the borders of this country.




Japanese people are NOT kind!




My non-Japanese friends who visit me in Japan always say this one thing, without fail -- "Japanese people are so nice!" And I always contradict them.




What my friends are feeling isn't kindness. Japanese people aren't kind. They're considerate. And there's a big difference between the two.




Kindness is when you act nicely regardless of what you think about the other person. To me, it's a superficial and weak trait.




But being considerate is something different. You can't be considerate if you don't like and approve of the other person. If the other person is acting like an asshole, you won't help them. That's what being considerate is.




When Logan Paul was acting batshit crazy, no one said anything? Starting today, if you ever see anyone like that, please please PLEASE go up to that person and speak your mind -- either in English or in Japanese.




Tell them you're not gonna stand for this shit.




The world sees Japan as a "nice" country. Let's change this, hm?




Let me know what you think!







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