Two days ago, on October 31st, a car drove into a crowd on a bike path in downtown Manhattan; eight people have been killed in what has been designated a terror attack.



Because it was Halloween, and the annual Halloween parade was underway, and the terror threat level should have been high.


Described as the deadliest terror attack to hit NYC since 9/11, the attack occurred in an area in southern Manhattan, where my mother just so happened to be.



(image source: ABC News




My mother arrived in the East Village (downtown Manhattan) at 4PM. The attack occurred at around 3PM.





My mother sent me the following LINE message: "The traffic was unbelievable, the cars weren't moving at all, streets were closed all over the place, the police were everywhere, there were railings set up on streets that the parade wasn't supposed to pass, and helicopters were circling over the city. I asked myself, was it always like this for these parades?"




My mother was right near where the attack occurred, but at the time, because of the parade, the festivities, and the crowds of adults and children dressed up in their costumes, she was completely unaware that an attack had occurred so close by, just one hour ago. 






Eight people were reportedly killed and over 15 were injured. Of the eight victims, one grew up in New Milford, which is the next town over from where I grew up in Oradell, New Jersey. We had mutual friends.




To imagine what may have happened had my mother arrived in the area an hour earlier...not only do I shudder at the thought, but I also feel what I can only describe as pure rage.





How do we fight this? The suspect, originally from Uzbekistan, immigrated to the U.S. through the diversity visa lottery program. Trump, as per usual, is illogically simplifying something that is innately convoluted; he has been tweeting that the program should be immediately halted. 





The suspect reportedly meticulously followed instructions posted by the Islamic State on social media sites, which detailed how to carry out such an attack.





It's necessary to fight against SNS and propaganda that espouse terrorist groups, and establish more preventative measures beyond "travel bans" and "denial of visas" that thwart the radicalization of both immigrants and citizens (the U.S. government's strategy of counter-propaganda has yet to produce concrete results as of yet). 




And to the media outlets and politicians who are jumping on each and every tweet released by Trump, using it as fodder to criticize him and his administration - stop derailing the discussion over how best to prevent such terror attacks.







Sending my prayers and thoughts to the victims and their families.