Hi all!
The other day, the finale of "Luxury Cruise Earth" successfully aired.
I traveled for around two and a half months for the QE and QM trips combined, and through my journey, I learned many things.
At the beginning of the shoot, because my primary mission was to make as many friends as possible, I spent a lot of time pondering how to forge friendships with strangers in a relatively short period of time.
And one thing I realized was that I wasn't nearly as global-minded than I had previously thought.
America is a country that is proudly diverse - a true "melting pot." As such, many Americans have a "state identity" that is stronger than their "American identity."
One's home state can determine not only one's way of speaking, but also his/her political views and characteristics as a person.
なのでアメリカ人に会ったら、まず第一に聞くのが「Where in the states are you from? (アメリカのどこ出身?)」。
This is why Americans often ask each other "Where in the states are you from?" when they first meet.
I had thought that this form of diversity was particular to the U.S. However, I learned from many passengers on the ship that in recent years, because of the increase in immigration into many of the developed countries in Europe, national identity has been weakening, such as in countries like the U.K. and France.
Whenever I met British people on board the ship, they always told me where exactly in the U.K. they were from. I realized that, for example, someone from London spoke differently and generally had different characteristics than someone from Manchester.
I had previously thought that all Brits were kinda the same -- big mistake, oops!
To truly be a "global-minded person," instead of basing your assumptions on broad stereotypes and vague national characteristics, you must strive to dig deeper into the variations in characteristics within that culture.
And something else I learned in terms of communication was the "power of listening."
I had erroneously assumed that to communicate well was to speak well.
But if you focus solely on saying what you want to say, this results in one-way communication. The trick is to first decide on the key points that you want to communicate to the other person. Then, when the other person is speaking, you can listen for opportunities to jump in and passively convey your information.
ME: Where are you from? (どこ出身ですか?)
Tom: I'm from Cambridge in the U.K. (私はイギリスのケンブリッジ出身)。
ME: Oh! What is Cambridge like? (ケンブリッジはどんなところですか?)
Tom: ...ケンブリッジの説明...
ME: I see. I have never been to Cambridge in the U.K., but when I was a grad student at Harvard, I lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the states.(そうなんですね。私はイギリスのケンブリッジには行ったことないですが、ハーバード院生だったとき、アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州のケンブリッジ市に二年間住んでいました。)
Tom: Oh, what did you study at Harvard? (ハーバードで何を勉強していたの?)
Like that, by jumping on certain keywords that the other person says and connecting them to what I want to say, I was able to smoothly express my thoughts while also acknowledging theirs.
I'm rambling! One last thing I learned, or actually, I reconfirmed was that kimonos and yukatas are super popular overseas.

Sorry for my selfie...
I'm so glad I asked for a kimono!
Thank you to the crew for getting it.
When I wore a kimono, people would come to me asking to take pictures with them, so I didn't have to strategize about how to approach them...it saved a lot of time and effort!
I learned a lot more, but since this is already a super long post, I'll save it for another day!
↑Hong Kongおねがい
Have a magnificent night!