Hi all!
Long time no see (for the umpteenth time)...
I've been very busy these days, so to take a mental summer break, I took some time off from this blog and other social media.
A busy life means that managing tasks becomes quite difficult.
I manage work-related tasks and projects on Asana, but in order to manage tasks related to my personal life, I'm currently trying out this app called Habitica.
This app lets you manage your tasks in the form of an RPG. For every task you complete, you get experience points and coins, which you can use to level up and buy items (like clothes for your avatar).
You can also list your "habits." For good habits (i.e. cleaning), every time you do that habit, you press the plus (+) button and gain experience points. Conversely, for bad habits (i.e. snacking), every time you do it, you press the minus (-) button and lose HP.
It's an interesting combination of getting things done while playing a game. I recommend it, though I don't know how long I'll last since I've only been using this for about a week...
And damn, August is almost over! This summer flew by.
Did you go anywhere? I mulled over the idea of going to Lebanon, but since I was just abroad on a cruise, I felt bad taking more time off from work. I sadly ended up not going anywhere (sob).
The photo was taken during the TV shoot on the cruise, at KL in Malaysia. You can't go wrong with crabs and beer.
I wanna go somewhere new!
Okay, back to work...
Have a lovely Sunday!