Hi all! How's your weekend so far?
The day before yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit Microsoft Japan's Shingawa HQ!
SparkDojo was invited to lead a session at an internal event called Global Communication Talk (GCT). We were their first external guest speakers!
The session's topic was "CHALLENGE."
GCT is an internal program at Microsoft Japan that aims to "spark" the minds of existing and in-training global talent by inviting internal/external speakers who have led non-traditional ways of life and providing an opportunity for participants to increase their global communication skills and global mindset.
Everyone was so passionate! Through the questions I received and the stories I heard from others, I was also stimulated and had impactful take-aways.
You only live once. Turning your wishes and aspirations into actionable reality is actually easier than you might think.
No matter how old I am, I want to continue to take on new challenges and keep on growing.
Have a lovely Saturday!カクテル