Hi all! Almost the weekend...
The media's reporting on fire ants continues...
Yesterday, it was the main topic on Abema Prime as well
In the past, I've been stung by fire ants several times.
Most recently, I was in DC while working for Interpol, and...
I went to Virginia for an outdoor concert with a friend, and we were enjoying ourselves while sitting down at a grassy area...
An excruciatingly sharp pain shot up my leg from my ankle...(I suck at Japanese onomatopoeia)
Panicking, I checked my ankle, and lo and behold, there was a little fire ant biting into my skin.
I hurriedly brushed it off and squashed it with my flip flops, but afterward, a burning pain lingered...
The next day, blisters formed on my skin.
But that was it!
It felt just like a bee sting, and in the US (particularly in the south), it's quite normal to be stung by a fire ant.
Just like with bees, one can get stung by a fire ant and go into anaphylactic shock, but as the expert on these matters stated on AbemaPrime last night, the chances of you dying from a fire ant sting is less than that from a bee sting.
Instead of getting hysterical about how fire ants are going to terrorize people's individual lives, what is most worrying is how to prevent fire ants from permanently colonizing Japan. It's all about the how and how fast!
So ignore the news that spreads fear and panic just for the sake of sensationalism! Instead, it's a more efficient use of our time to think about how to prevent the import and export of foreign species and diseases in this globalized age.
Anyway...have a good night!