Hi all, how's your weekend going?
Recent news that interested me!
CIA workplace accident statistics in 1957, recently declassified
In 1957, the CIA was still in Cold War high-alert mode, but according to recently declassified documents, CIA headquarters was the site of many slip-ups -- literally.
That year, 56.2% of employees who requested time off from work did so because of a fall in the workplace.
The second biggest cause of time off was apparently "amputation."
What the...amputation?!
That this document was kept classified until now is another big mystery...
Cute animal photos might be the key to a good marriage?
(source: https://amp.livescience.com/59613-looking-at-baby-animal-photos-may-help-marriage.html)
According to a new psychological study, participants who looked at photos of their spouses paired with pleasant images like those of cute animals and sunsets three days a week for six weeks reported an increase in marital satisfaction and improved spousal relationship.
Past research showed the obvious conclusion that when there are no changes in attitude and behavior of the spouse, marital satisfaction declines.
This research showed that instead of conducting therapy to change spouses' behavior to improve marital satisfaction, conducting therapy to change the way one looks at their spouse is actually effective and impactful.
This follows a concept in psychology called "evaluative conditioning."
It's just like when you eat something and fall sick, then from that point on, looking at that food makes you sick. You no longer want to eat that food because now, you have negative memories associated with it.
Cute pictures of animals...maybe this is more cost-effective than expensive couples therapy?
New videos released of Russia's new AI humanoid robot FEDOR
In addition to being trained to shoot guns from both hands, FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research) can drive cars and bikes, as well as open locks.
Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin denied that Russia was "developing a Terminator," but wow, the gunslingling FEDOR looks so nefarious...



Apparently, there are rumors that FEDOR is going to go on a space mission in 2021 to the International Space Station (ISS) and is thus being developed for space exploration, but I wonder what the real aim behind its development is...
What interesting news have you come across recently?
Have a great Sunday night!